Harmful Algal Blooms

Maps: Two U.S. maps showing increase in harmful algal blooms around U.S. coastlines before and after 1972

Caption: These maps depict the HAB outbreaks known before (top) and after (bottom) 1972. This is not meant to be an exhaustive compilation of all events, but rather an indication of major or recurrent HAB episodes. In addition to the toxic impacts shown, harmful micro- and macro algal species have caused whale and other marine mammal mortalities, occasional anoxia, habitat destruction, and a general decline in coastal aesthetics in many coastal areas during the last 20 years. Neurotoxin shellfish poisoning = NSP, paralytic shellfish poisoning = PSP, and amnesic shellfish poisoning = ASP. From Anderson, 1995

Original Source: http://www.whoi.edu/science/B/redtide/HABdistribution/habexpand.html

Source: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Website: http://www.whoi.edu/science/B/redtide/

NSF Funded: Yes
The Harmful Algae Page is supported by a National Science Foundation (NSF) / National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) grant to the National Office for Marine Biotoxins and Harmful Algal Blooms at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Dr. Don Anderson, Director.

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