Federal Research Resources: A Process for Setting Priorities

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A large number of people assisted the National Science Board’s study as speakers, panelists, and presenters, whose names and contributions are listed in appendices to this report. Several of our colleagues were critical to initiation of the Board and Committee study. These include former National Science Board Chairman Richard Zare, who oversaw the previous phase of this inquiry and Franklin Raines, former Director of the Office of Management and Budget, who challenged the Board to address this topic.

Extensive contributions have been made over the course of this study by Office of Management and Budget staff, Kathleen Peroff, Steven Isakowitz and David Radzanowski, who encouraged us and helped shape the direction of our inquiry in numerous productive conversations. Neal Lane, former Director of NSF and subsequently of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and Adviser to the President for Science and Technology, deserves our special thanks for his encouragement and crucial participation in several important events sponsored by the NSB Committee. Also deserving special mention are James Duderstadt, National Acadamies’ Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy and former Chairman, National Science Board, who contributed to several important discussions, and encouraged the Board to pursue its study; and the House Appropriations Committee Chief of Staff, Frank Cushing, who provided important insights on the Congressional perspective.

We are also grateful for the participation of many members of the science policy community who, like us, are wrestling with the issues addressed in this report. They include spokespersons from the National Academies; Federal departments and agencies; academic, industrial and professional organizations; public policy organizations; science officials of foreign governments; and experts on data and methodologies to guide, track and measure the impacts of Federal investments in research.

We appreciate the unstinting support of NSF staff. We would like to acknowledge the critical contributions of Richard Ries, NSF Division of International Programs, who advised on both the content and participants for the Symposium on International Models of S&T Budget Coordination and Priority Setting co-sponsored by the Committee; Steven Payson, Science Resources Studies Division, who provided economic expertise; William Butts, Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences Directorate, who coordinated SBE staff input on research relevant to priority setting in Federal research; and Robert Webber, Division of Administrative Services, who assisted with several special meetings of the Committee.
The National Science Board Office staff provided essential support to the Committee’s activities. Several NSB staff deserve special recognition, including Marta Cehelsky, Executive Officer, National Science Board, who guided and supported to all aspects of the Board’s effort; Daryl Chubin, Senior Policy Officer, NSB, who provided helpful feedback and guidance and Gerard Glaser, his successor; and Janice Baker, NSB Writer/Editor.


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