The National Science Foundation is the major non-university source of research support for the academic mathematical sciences in the United States. Assessing the performance of NSF in this area is then equivalent to assessing the performance and health of U.S. academic mathematics and the impact of academic mathematics on users of mathematics in university, industry, and government.

At the same time, assessing the value of mathematics by measuring the return on public investment cannot be done by simply comparing the amount of expenditure on mathematics with the amount of wealth created. The "effects" of mathematics may not be immediate, or direct, or attributable to a single funded program. A more accurate assessment of the field requires one to accept the consensus view of all branches of science and technology -- that support for mathematics is essential -- and to ask whether that support is producing health within mathematics and a valued impact outside it.

The Panel concluded that the most accurate way to measure the impact of academic mathematics is to examine the three primary activities of mathematicians:

  1. Generating concepts in fundamental mathematics;
  2. Interacting with areas that use mathematics, such as science, engineering, technology, finance, and national security; and
  3. Attracting and developing the next generation of mathematicians.

We assessed each of these activities separately, by different criteria.

1. Criteria for Assessing Contributions to Fundamental Mathematics. We believe that it is the mathematicians themselves who are best qualified to assess the intellectual impact of U.S. mathematics. We asked mathematicians to use the following benchmarks in their assessment: (i) academic recognition of the accomplishments of mathematical scientists, as measured by publications, awards, and presentations at major conferences; (ii) judgments of mathematical scientists not resident in the United States; (iii) the attractiveness of the U.S. mathematics community to foreign mathematical scientists; and (iv) the speed with which U.S. mathematical scientists can respond to discoveries occurring both within and outside the United States, as well as to discoveries by other scientists and engineers, and incorporate these discoveries into their own work. We used these measures to benchmark the standing of U.S. academic mathematical sciences in relation to other nations.

2. Criteria for Assessing Interactions Between Mathematicians and Users of Mathematics. Evaluating the effectiveness of interactions between academic mathematics and the users of mathematics is necessarily more subjective. As one measure, we used the levels of employment of mathematicians in different segments of society. As the SIAM report(see Endnote 10) demonstrates, these levels are difficult to ascertain. As a second measure, we used three types of subjective judgments, based on both surveys and personal information: (i) the perceived importance of mathematics to other areas; (ii) the effectiveness of the academic mathematical sciences in solving the problems of these areas; and (iii) the speed with which new mathematical ideas are transmitted to other areas and to the private sector.

3.Criteria for Assessing Undergraduate, Graduate, and Post-Doctoral Education. Four measures are used for this assessment: (i) the flow of students (both U.S. national and foreign) into degree programs in U.S. universities; (ii) the quality of the research performed by university alumni/ae; (iii) the ability of students trained in U.S. departments to find rewarding jobs that make good use of their training; and (iv) the nature of the work that mathematicians perform when employed.

We have not explicitly examined the influence of university research and teaching on education at the K-12 level. U.S. universities teach those who become the teachers of K-12 mathematics, so university instruction in mathematics is essential to the teaching of arithmetic and mathematics in grade school and high school. The challenges of assessing K-12 teaching and of proposing strategies for curriculum reform are, however, beyond the scope of this report and are being addressed by others. We do, however, wish to stress the importance of these challenges. The health of the U.S. mathematical sciences, and the economic well-being of the United States, are both directly related to the quality of K-12 mathematics education.

In addition, we have not examined post-professional or continuing education for mathematical scientists or for the teachers and users of the mathematical sciences. We anticipate that education at these levels will become increasingly important in the future.