GPRA Performance Report FY 1999


1999 Results for NSF’s Outcome Goals

Each of NSF’s outcome goals was achieved in FY 1999. Reports from external evaluators consistently judged NSF’s programs to result in high quality scientific outputs and outcomes, and to be largely successful in achieving NSF’s performance goals. Exceptions were noted in some areas as needing improvement including need to improve balance of portfolio by taking more risk in a few programs and need to show increases in participation of underrepresented groups in science and engineering in some programs.

1999 Results for NSF’s Investment Process Goals

FY 1999 Result Overall: NSF was successful in achieving 78% of its goals.

Nine of NSF’s thirteen investment process goals were achieved in FY 1999, and four goals were not achieved. Areas identified as needing improvement for goals that were achieved include use of the new merit review criteria in some programs. Areas needing improvement where goals were not achieved include making new program announcements and solicitations available at least three months prior to the deadline or target date; decreasing the time to decision; and maintaining openness in the system to increase the percentage of awards to new investigators.

1999 Results for NSF’s Management Goals

Three of NSF’s five investment process goals were achieved in FY 1999, and two goals were not achieved. Areas identified as needing improvement where goals were not achieved include orientation and training of NSF staff using FastLane-NSF’s electronic system for proposal submission, proposal review, and project reporting; and increasing the use of the new electronic Project Reporting System for project reporting by awardees.

FY 1999 Result Overall: NSF was successful in achieving 78% of its goals.

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Summary of Performance Goals and Results

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Summary of Findings from Program Assessments and Evaluations

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