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A Glimpse of the Archives of the Future
Presentation of the entire testbed collection represented as a treemap in which the archivist can assess correspondence between the number of files (size of the directory) and the size of files (ranges of yellow) and their distribution in directories.
Credit: Visualizations courtesy of Maria Esteva, Weijia Xu, Suyog Dutt Jain, and Varun Jain.
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This snapshot corresponds to a regularly organized website containing a total of 2,000 files of different file formats. Highlighted in shades of yellow are different numbers of portable document format (PDF) files. The purple color shows patterns in file naming convention across directories.
Credit: Visualizations courtesy of Maria Esteva, Weijia Xu, Suyog Dutt Jain and Varun Jain.
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A preservation view of the U.S. Geological Survey Record Group including different files organized in different arrangements that shows, in different colors, the different preservation risks of the files.
Credit: Visualizations courtesy of Maria Esteva, Weijia Xu, Suyog Dutt Jain and Varun Jain.
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Results of the alignment and natural language processing methods applied to a collection. Shown in green are those directories with records arranged by date.
Credit: Visualizations courtesy of Maria Esteva, Weijia Xu, Suyog Dutt Jain and Varun Jain.
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