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NSF Geosciences Beyond 2000: Understanding and Predicting Earth's Environment and Habitability

The National Science Foundation's Directorate for Geosciences (GEO) has completed a major long-range geo 2000 summary coverplanning effort to develop a vision of the cutting-edge issues for the geosciences during the first decade of the 21st century. The focus of NSF Geosciences Beyond 2000: Understanding and Predicting Earth's Environment and Habitability is to develop a comprehensive view of the sciences for planet Earth and the scope of programs and activities that GEO plans to address during the period 2001 to 2010. The plan identifies key scientific areas and outlines the balance between research (science and facilities); education and outreach activities; the required enabling technologies and facilities; and the organization and management strategies suited to achieve the vision.

This effort was chaired by Dr. Robert Corell, former Assistant Director for Geosciences. The documents were prepared under the aegis of the NSF Advisory Committee for the Geosciences in conjunction with a select working group and contributions from the Divisions of Atmospheric, Earth and Ocean Sciences. Draft versions of NSF Geosciences Beyond 2000 were extensively discussed at Town Meetings at a number of professional society meetings.

The full document and a summary may be accessed below. Hard copies of either version may be obtained from the Geosciences Directorate. Comments are welcomed. Please send them to with the subject “GEO2000.”

GEO 2000 Full Report

GEO 2000 Summary
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