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The awards made by the Office of Polar Programs have been divided into antarctic and arctic programs. This page features awards made by the Division of Arctic Sciences (ARC).

Division of Arctic Sciences
bullet Arctic Cyberinfrastructure bullet Arctic Research Support and Logistics
bullet Arctic Natural Sciences bullet Arctic Social Sciences
bullet Arctic Observing Network bullet Arctic System Science
bullet Arctic Research and Education    


Arctic Cyberinfrastructure

Award Investigator Institution IPY $ Title
0856292 Rigor, Ignatius University of Washington  $    1,000,000 International Arctic buoy program
0632354 Parsons, Mark University of Colorado at Boulder  $      469,112 International Polar Year data and information service
 $    1,469,112

Arctic Natural Sciences

Award Investigator Institution IPY $ Title
0732713 Harlow, Henry University of Wyoming  $      732,924 Adaptive long-term fasting in land- and ice-bound polar bears: coping with ice loss in the Arctic
0817967 Post, Eric Pennsylvania State Univ University Park  $        10,000 After the melt: an international conference on the ecology of Arctic climate change
0856479 Toole, John Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution  $    4,622,113 AON: ice-tethered profiler for sampling meteorological, sea ice, and ocean mixed layer
0856868 Stanton, Timothy Naval Postgraduate School  $    2,099,512 Autonomous ocean flux buoys to observe turbulent vertical fluxes of heat, salt, and momentum
0732668 Grebmeier, Jacqueline University of Tennessee Knoxville  $      151,611 Bering ecosystem study: benthic ecosystem response to changing ice cover
0714605 Moore, James University Corp. for Atmospheric Res  $      224,841 Bering ecosystem study: data management
0808853 Moore, James University Corp. for Atmospheric Res  $      608,758
0612380 Shull, David Western Washington University  $      411,945 Bering ecosystem study: denitrification and global change in Bering Sea shelf sediments
0612436 Devol, Allan University of Washington  $      540,287
0813985 Sonnerup, Rolf University of Washington  $      128,789 Bering ecosystem study: hydrographic structure and nutrients during summer
0732359 Lomas, Michael Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences  $      381,179 Bering ecosystem study: impact of changes in sea ice extent on primary production, phytoplankton, and export
0732680 Moran, S. Bradley University of Rhode Island  $      418,950
0611967 Zhang, Jinlun University of Washington  $      460,127 Bering ecosystem study: impact of changes in sea ice on physical forcings of the ecosystem
0732640 Sonnerup, Rolf University of Washington  $      538,343 Bering ecosystem study: impacts of sea-ice on hydrographic structure and nutrients
0732772 Whitledge, Terry University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus  $      210,966
0732773 Whitledge, Terry University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus  $      121,839
0732430 Sonnerup, Rolf University of Washington  $      784,838 Bering ecosystem study: impacts of sea-ice on the distribution of chlorophyll-a
0810459 Whitledge, Terry University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus  $      117,689
0722448 Hunt, George University of Washington  $      164,697 Bering ecosystem study: impacts of sea-ice on the hydrographic structure, nutrients, and mesozooplankton
0816805 Coyle, Kenneth University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus  $      220,154 Bering ecosystem study: mesozooplankton population and biomass
0732301 Sherr, Evelyn Oregon State University  $      786,421 Bering ecosystem study: mesozooplankton-microbial food web in a climatically changing sea ice environment
0732362 Campbell, Robert University of Rhode Island  $      432,268
0732382 Ashjian, Carin Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution  $      608,159
0612198 Sigman, Daniel Princeton University  $      466,135 Bering ecosystem study: nitrogen supply for new production and its relation to climatic conditions
0612427 Sambrotto, Raymond Columbia University  $    1,219,495
0612538 Wu, Jingfeng University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus  $      273,098 Bering ecosystem study: role of ice melting in providing available iron to the surface water
0732767 Gradinger, Rolf University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus  $    1,061,747 Bering ecosystem study: sea Ice algae, a major food source for herbivorous plankton and benthos
0732389 Lessard, Evelyn University of Washington  $      644,558 Bering ecosystem study: trophic role of euphausiids: ecosystem responses to changing sea-ice conditions
0732667 Harvey, H. U. Maryland Ctr Environmental Sciences  $      583,456
0732428 Aagaard, Knut University of Washington  $      673,882 Bering Shelf stratification and its consequences for nutrients and the ecosystem
0732771 Weingartner, Thomas University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus  $      920,308
0612636 Warren, Stephen University of Washington  $      925,687 Black carbon in Arctic snow and ice and its effect on surface albedo
0632139 Shaver, Gaius Marine Biological Laboratory  $    1,398,345 Carbon, water, and energy balance of the Arctic landscape at flagship observatories and in a pan-Arctic network
0632264 Bret-Harte, Marion University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus  $    1,939,401
0632233 Kirchman, David University of Delaware  $      417,466 Chemolithoautotrophy in the Arctic Ocean--environmental genomics and functional analyses
0743972 Minnett, Peter U. Miami Rosenstiel School  $        82,090 Cloud radiative forcing in the high Arctic
0732431 Curchitser, Enrique Rutgers University New Brunswick  $      246,678 Downscaling global climate projections to the ecosystems of the Bering Sea with nested biophysical models
0732534 Bond, Nicholas University of Washington  $      802,861
0732538 Hedstrom, Katherine University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus  $      263,635
0611991 Geiger, Cathleen U.S. Army CRREL  $      386,169 Dynamic component of sea ice mass balance
0612105 Geiger, Cathleen University of Delaware  $      525,149
0612527 Hutchings, Jennifer University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus  $      439,327
0632332 Taylor, Donald University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus  $      743,697 Genomics investigation of fungal adaptation to cold
0649006 Roof, Steven Hampshire College  $      924,974 Holocene and modern climate change in the high Arctic
0855828 Stafford, Kathleen University of Washington  $      271,917 Interdisciplinary mooring in the western Arctic Boundary Current: climatic forcing and ecosystem response
0856210 Mathis, Jeremy University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus  $      195,417
0856244 Pickart, Robert Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution  $    2,317,495
0732925 Persson, Ola P University of Colorado at Boulder  $      299,852 Macro- and microphysical structure of Arctic clouds 
0714045 Nolan, Matt University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus  $    1,141,030 Mass balance and glacier dynamics modeling on Arctic glaciers for better prediction and hindcasting
0632105 Laird, Claude University of Kansas   $      150,221 NEEM deep ice core
0632222 White, James University of Colorado at Boulder  $      169,996
0806339 Baker, Ian Dartmouth College  $      254,987
0806377 Severinghaus, Jeffrey Scripps Institution of Oceanography  $      316,442
0806387 White, James University of Colorado at Boulder  $      776,627
0806407 Sowers, Todd Pennsylvania State Univ University Park  $      437,690
0806414 Brook, Edward Oregon State University  $      515,392
0611992 Perovich, Donald U.S. Army CRREL  $      385,021 O-buoy project: deployment of a network of Arctic Ocean chemical sensors
0612047 Shepson, Paul Purdue University  $      507,518
0612331 Matrai, Patricia Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences  $      413,994
0612457 Simpson, William University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus  $      349,330
0631713 Weingartner, Thomas University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus  $      552,805 Pacific gateway to the Arctic: quantifying and understanding Bering Strait oceanic fluxes
0632154 Woodgate, Rebecca University of Washington  $    1,071,793
0425387 Pfeffer, W. Tad University of Colorado at Boulder  $          8,000 Participation of graduate students in the annual Arctic workshops 2005-2007
0612289 Baldwin, Mark NorthWest Research Associates, Inc.  $        65,638 Polar stratosphere and vertical coupling 
0632310 Csatho, Beata SUNY at Buffalo  $      204,762 POLENET-Greenland: using bedrock geodesy to constrain past and present day changes in Greenland's ice mass
0632320 Bevis, Michael Ohio State U. Research Foundation  $    1,234,621
0631309 Ballantyne, Ashley Ballantyne, Ashley P.  $      238,000 Postdoctoral research fellowship
0732885 Tweedie, Craig University of Texas at El Paso  $      747,684 Resampling old research sites to assess change in high latitude terrestrial ecosystem structure and function
0714088 Zender, Charles University of California-Irvine  $      518,482 Snow process studies and modeling to improve Arctic climate prediction
0856377 Perovich, Donald U.S. Army CRREL  $      603,615 State of the Arctic sea ice cover: sustaining the integrated seasonal ice zone observing network 
0856867 Eicken, Hajo University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus  $    1,419,891
0520578 Romanovsky, Vladimir University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus  $      375,021 Thermal state of permafrost: U.S. contribution to the international permafrost observatory network
0732954 Goetz, Scott Woods Hole Research Center  $      796,041 Tundra ecosystem responses to climate change
0732948 Pearson, Richard American Museum of Natural History  $      145,320
0830146 Hunt, George University of Washington  $      119,172 U.S. liaison activity for international ecosystem studies of sub-Arctic seas 
 $  46,318,342

Arctic Observing Network

Award Investigator Institution IPY $ Title
0856421 Shiklomanov, Nikolay University of Delaware  $    1,662,201 Active layer monitoring network: long-term observations on the climate - active layer - permafrost system
0633979 Proshutinsky, Andrey Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution  $        76,260 Aerial hydrographic surveys: tracking change and understanding seasonal variability
0634097 McPhee, Miles McPhee Research Company  $      118,991
0634122 Collier, Robert Oregon State University  $      289,384
0634167 Guay, Christopher Pacific Marine Sciences & Technology  $        74,989
0634226 Morison, James University of Washington  $      703,627
0732522 Holmes, Robert Woods Hole Research Center  $      369,223 Arctic great rivers observatory 
0732583 Raymond, Peter Yale University  $      331,366
0732821 McClelland, James University of Texas at Austin  $      190,690
0732985 Peterson, Bruce Marine Biological Laboratory  $      653,314
0424864 Proshutinsky, Andrey Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution  $    2,422,948 Beaufort gyre system: flywheel of the Arctic climate?
0634079 Gofman, Victoria Aleut International Association  $      677,816 Bering Sea subnetwork: community-based observation alliance for Arctic Observing Network
0856305 Alessa, Lilian University of Alaska Anchorage Campus  $      545,143
0856774 Gofman, Victoria Aleut International Association  $    2,499,989
0632177 Walden, Von University of Idaho  $      197,559 Cloud properties across the Arctic basin from surface and satellite measurements
0632187 Shupe, Matthew University of Colorado at Boulder  $      184,340
0632312 Drobot, Sheldon University of Colorado at Boulder  $        35,429 Collaborative, interdisciplinary relationships among the new generation of polar researchers
0632296 Fetterer, Florence University of Colorado at Boulder  $      681,497 Cooperative Arctic data and information service
0632313 Moore, James University Corp. For Atmospheric Res  $    1,526,962
0336450 Bales, Roger University of California - Merced  $      381,803 Core measurements at Summit, Greenland, environmental observatory
0856634 Gearheard, Shari University of Colorado at Boulder  $    1,968,016 Data management support for community-based observations
0612452 Eloranta, Edwin University of Wisconsin-Madison  $      466,647 Data products for the University of Wisconsin high spectral resolution lidar
0732726 Pfeffer, W. Tad University of Colorado at Boulder  $      615,449 Dynamic controls on tidewater glacier retreat
0732739 Conway, Howard University of Washington  $      117,217
0632201 Timmermans, Mary-Louise Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution  $      204,406 Dynamics of the deepest waters in the Arctic Ocean
0632144 Klein, Julia Colorado State University  $        52,707 Ecosystem-change studies using the International Tundra Experiment
0632184 Welker, Jeffrey University of Alaska Anchorage Campus  $      270,173
0632263 Hollister, Robert Grand Valley State University  $      172,152
0632277 Oberbauer, Steven Florida International University  $      651,394
0632345 Gearheard, Shari University of Colorado at Boulder  $      658,093 Exchange for local observations and knowledge of the Arctic
0732556 Shepson, Paul Purdue University  $      543,661 Halogen chemistry and ocean - atmosphere - sea ice - snowpack chemical exchange
0612391 Richter-Menge, Jacqueline U.S. Army CRREL  $      869,766 Ice mass-balance buoy network: coordination with DAMOCLES
0631951 Toole, John Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution  $    1,735,332 Ice-tethered profilers to sample the upper ocean water properties
0520287 Rigor, Ignatius University of Washington  $      600,000 International Arctic buoy program
0638408 Kruse, John University of Alaska Anchorage Campus  $      894,556 Is the Arctic human environment moving to a new state?
0638413 Hamilton, Lawrence University of New Hampshire  $      200,708
0352687 McPhee, Miles McPhee Research Company  $        27,584 North Pole Station: a distributed long-term environmental observatory
0352754 Morison, James University of Washington  $    4,416,807
0352984 Collier, Robert Oregon State University  $      198,924
0632231 Lee, Craig University of Washington  $    2,339,463 Observational network for critical Arctic gateways -- understanding exchanges through Davis and Fram straits
0633343 Kwok, Ronald NASA  $      188,000 Observing system in the Switchyard region of the Arctic Ocean
0633878 Schlosser, Peter Columbia University  $    1,421,665
0633885 Steele, Michael University of Washington  $    2,444,666
0722694 Proshutinsky, Andrey Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution  $    1,439,952 Oceanographic instrumentation to enhance the Arctic Ocean Observing Network
0907819 Bernhard, Germar Biospherical Instruments Inc  $        64,111 Recent changes of solar ultraviolet radiation in the Arctic
0842779 Cooper, Lee U. Maryland Ctr Environmental Sciences  $        48,827 Science plan and workshop support for Bering Strait environmental observations
0632041 Stanton, Timothy Naval Postgraduate School  $    1,090,150 Surface buoys to sample turbulent ocean heat and salt fluxes
0856330 Morison, James University of Washington  $    4,100,675 Sustained observations of the North Pole environment to characterize ongoing Arctic change
0856808 Collier, Robert Oregon State University  $      575,552
0645895 Byers, Albert National Science Teachers Assoc  $        33,359 Symposia and web seminars
0622406 Tweedie, Craig University of Texas at El Paso  $      750,126 Terrestrial circum-Arctic environmental observatories network 
 $  42,783,669

Arctic Research and Education

Award Investigator Institution IPY $ Title
0700233 Sturm, Matthew U.S. Army CRREL  $      119,960 Alaska-Canada barrenlands traverse
0632324 Weiler, C. Susan Whitman College  $      206,929 Collaborative, interdisciplinary relationships among the new generation of polar researchers 
0829225 Byers, Albert National Science Teachers Assoc  $        39,616 Conferences on science education
0723343 Pfirman, Stephanie Columbia University  $        27,928 NYC international polar weekend
0806509 Pfirman, Stephanie Columbia University  $        40,218
0806933 Borrero, Roberto American Museum of Natural History  $        34,410
0632360 Tweedie, Craig University of Texas at El Paso  $      457,444 Research and educational opportunities in Antarctica for minorities
 $      926,505

Arctic Research Support and Logistics

Award Investigator Institution IPY $ Title
0718422 Virginia, Ross Dartmouth College  $        42,714 Arctic science summit week 2007
0738306 Karlqvist, Anders Swedish Polar Research Secretariat  $    3,663,977 Icebreaker Oden: support to NSF/OPP funded research
0618885 Fox, Susan Arctic Research Consortium of the U.S.  $    6,440,175 Organizational support to the U.S. Arctic science program
0647022 Elfring, Chris National Academy of Sciences  $      135,000 Polar Research Board
0520837 Craft, Gary CH2M Hill Constructor, Inc.              $  14,000,000 Research support and logistics
0902165 Helmig, Detlev University of Colorado at Boulder  $        98,554 Surface and boundary-layer profiling of ocean, atmosphere, sea ice, and snowpack using tethered balloons
 $  24,380,420

Arctic Social Sciences

Award Investigator Institution IPY $ Title
0611978 John, Mark Calista Elders Council  $      597,487 Bering ecosystem study: Nelson Island natural and cultural knowledge project
0755832 Beach, Hugh Portland State University  $      805,000 Circumpolar land use and ethnicity: social impacts of policy and climate change
0733929 Sider, Gerald CUNY College of Staten Island  $          5,996 Crises and vulnerability: historical perspective on contemporary problems in Labrador Innu and Inuit communities
0732787 Krauss, Michael University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus  $    1,408,380 Documenting Alaskan and neighboring languages
0732973 Salzman, Hal Urban Institute  $      574,355 Employment and sustainability in a time of transition
0903589 Salzman, Hal Rutgers University New Brunswick  $      212,901
0631970 Ziker, John Boise State University  $      375,365 Home, hearth, and household in Siberia and northern Canada
0732620 LeMoine, Genevieve Bowdoin College  $      210,276 Inglefield land archaeology project: dynamic social systems at the entrance to Greenland
0732850 Darwent, Christyann University of California-Davis  $      195,837
0711965 Wheelersburg, Robert Elizabethtown College  $        70,000 International directory of Arctic social scientists
0732327 McGovern, Thomas CUNY Hunter College  $      896,724 Long term human ecodynamics in the Norse North Atlantic: cases of sustainability, survival, and collapse
0802390 Snodgrass, James University of Oregon Eugene  $      166,860 Metabolic adaptation among indigenous Siberians: causes and consequences
0705654 Heleniak, Timothy University of Maryland College Park  $      330,873 Moved by the state: perspectives on relocation and resettlement in the circumpolar North
0713896 Schweitzer, Peter University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus  $      695,364
0755966 Alessa, Lilian University of Alaska Anchorage Campus  $      865,815 Municipal water systems and the resilience of Arctic communities
0754787 Kral, Michael University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign  $      254,206 Negotiating pathways to adulthood: social change and indigenous culture in four circumpolar communities
0755348 Wexler, Lisa University of Massachusetts Amherst  $      500,139
0756211 Allen, James University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus  $      413,806
0631419 Koester, David University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus  $      621,495 New religious movements in the Russian north: competing uses of religiosity after socialism 
0638897 Ogilvie, Astrid University of Colorado at Boulder  $      285,000 Northern narratives:  social and geographical accounts from Norway, Iceland and Canada
0732846 O'Rourke, Dennis University of Utah  $      552,543 Reconstruction of human genetic history along the North Slope
0732857 Hayes, Geoffrey Northwestern University at Chicago  $      504,819
0838678 Schweitzer, Peter University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus  $      120,000 Sixth international congress of Arctic social sciences
0631230 Zubrow, Ezra B. SUNY at Buffalo  $      174,256 Social change and the environment in Nordic prehistory: evidence from Finland and Northern Canada
0804290 Martin, Patrick Michigan Technological University  $        21,999 Social perspectives on the industrial archaeology of the Arctic
0639211 Huskey, Terry University of Alaska Anchorage Campus  $      381,452 Understanding migration in the circumpolar North
0756122 Matland, Richard Loyola University of Chicago  $      374,986 Women candidates in regional Russia: religion and culture as barriers to women's participation
0724229 Kruse, John University of Alaska Anchorage Campus  $        19,766 Workshop for comprehensive release of SLICA results
   $  11,635,700

Arctic System Science

Award Investigator Institution IPY $ Title
0852396 Vorosmarty, Charles CUNY City College  $      403,770 Arctic community-wide hydrological analysis and monitoring 
0732650 Walsh, John University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign  $      328,260 Arctic system reanalysis, a blend of modeling and observations
0732986 Serreze, Mark University of Colorado at Boulder  $      359,799
0733023 Bromwich, David Ohio State U. Research Foundation  $    1,142,474
0733058 Kuo, Ying-Hwa University Corp. For Atmospheric Res  $      944,075
0732168 Post, Eric Pennsylvania State Univ University Park  $        85,893 Ecological consequences of Arctic climate change
0856516 Hollister, Robert Grand Valley State University  $      502,600 Ecosystem-change studies using the International Tundra Experiment
0856628 Tweedie, Craig University of Texas at El Paso  $      400,471
0856710 Oberbauer, Steven Florida International University  $    1,200,070
0856728 Welker, Jeffrey University of Alaska Anchorage Campus  $      591,914
0732735 Walter, Katey University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus  $      646,940 Impacts of icy permafrost degradation and thermokarst-lake dynamics on carbon cycling, CO2 and CH4 emissions
0335941 Kane, Douglas University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus  $      594,558 Long-term measurements and observations on the Kuparuk River basin, Alaska
0733074 Schimel, Joshua University of California-Santa Barbara  $      904,623 Microbial winter survival physiology: a driver on microbial community composition and carbon cycling
0632387 Collins, Richard University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus  $      803,668 Pan-Arctic studies of the coupled tropospheric, stratospheric, and mesospheric circulation
0632400 Romanovsky, Vladimir University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus  $      945,276 Permafrost observatories in North America and Russia
0805703 Eicken, Hajo University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus  $        49,946 Polar sea-ice information needs: training, outreach, and legacy products through a system services approach
0632131 Sturm, Matthew U.S. Army CRREL  $      571,342 Prototype network for measuring Arctic winter precipitation and snow cover
0632133 Liston, Glen Colorado State University  $      351,000
0632160 Kane, Douglas University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus  $      537,565
0632130 Perovich, Donald U.S. Army CRREL  $      458,321 State of the Arctic sea ice cover: sustaining the integrated seasonal ice zone observing network
0632398 Eicken, Hajo University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus  $      891,329
   $  12,713,894