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News Release 08-005

National Science Board Releases Science and Engineering Indicators 2008

Greater funding for basic research and new metrics for better assessment are critical to sustaining U.S. international competitive edge

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The cover of Science and Engineering Indicators 2008 celebrates International Polar Year.

The cover for Science and Engineering Indicators 2008 celebrates the 2007-2009 International Polar Year with a montage of photographic images from the Arctic and Antarctic regions. At the center is an ice cave at Loudwater Cove on Anvers Island. Arcing above it are smaller images showing (right to left) the Beacon Valley field camp in the Dry Valleys of southern Victoria Land, a deepwater cnidarian, a female polar bear and her cub on sea ice, a skua chick, an aurora borealis, a sunset at Cape Hallett, and an LC-130 Hercules cargo aircraft.

Credit: Ice cave: Zenobia Evans, National Science Foundation (NSF). Credits, images right to left: Josh Landis, NSF; Katrin Iken and Bodil Bluhm, University of Alaska, Fairbanks; The Hidden Ocean, Arctic 2005 Exploration; Ariana Owens, NSF; Patrick Smith; Ken Ryan, NSF; Jerry Marty, NSF).