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News Release 08-122

Tongue Drive Technology

Using only tongue motions, individuals with paralyzed limbs may be able to use new system to take control of technology

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Photo of Maysam Ghovanloo (left) pointing to a small magnet attached to tongue of graduate student.

Georgia Tech assistant professor Maysam Ghovanloo (left) points to a small magnet attached to graduate student Xueliang Huo's tongue that allows him to steer a powered wheelchair and operate a computer mouse.

Credit: Georgia Tech Photo: Gary Meek

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Photo of Xueliang Huo moving his tongue to direct the Tongue Drive System to move the wheelchair.

Georgia Tech Electrical and Computer Engineering graduate student Xueliang Huo moves his tongue to direct the Tongue Drive system to move the powered wheelchair in a different direction.

Credit: Georgia Tech Photo: Gary Meek

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