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News Release 11-004
Inside a Snowstorm: Scientists Obtain Close-Up Look at Old Man Winter
Doppler-on-Wheels Gives New View of Lake-Effect Snows
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DOW Doppler radar of cells in a snowband; the coiled hooks are the most intense snows.
Credit: CSWR
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Eye-to-eye with a storm: a Doppler-on-Wheels (DOW) stands tall against the elements.
Credit: CSWR
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On the road again, north of Williamstown, N.Y. There a DOW meets a blinding snowsquall.
Credit: CSWR
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A rotating cell in a snowband making landfall from Lake Ontario over Fair Haven, N.Y.
Credit: CSWR
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"Historic" snowstorms are the norm in Oswego, N.Y.; DOWs are there this month and next.
Credit: NOAA
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A stellar dendrite snow crystal. Dendritic means tree-like; these snowflakes have branches.
Credit: Kenneth Libbrecht, Caltech
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