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News Release 17-094
NSF funds 30 faculty research fellowships through new EPSCoR initiative
Awards focus on developing the next generation of US researchers
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Georgina Gibson, of the University of Alaska Fairbanks' International Arctic Research Center, will research dissolved organic matter at the interface of Arctic land and ocean.
Credit: Georgina Gibson
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Jonathan Richardson of Providence College studies the factors that effect rat populations in cityscapes, work that could lead to more effective rat population control efforts and public health campaigns.
Credit: Jonathan Richardson
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Matthew White of the University of Vermont's research focuses on the materials used to make solar cells, with the goal of addressing the nation's energy needs. Here, White and a visiting researcher discuss the features of the dual-vacuum-chamber solar cell fabrication facility at the University of Vermont.
Credit: Madalina Furis, University of Vermont, Department of Physics
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Vivien Taylor of Dartmouth College collects a water sample from a forest pool. Taylor's research will focus on accumulation pathways of mercury in forest watershed tributaries and lakes.
Credit: Kate Buckman, Dartmouth College
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Jocelyn McDonald of Kansas State University will study new microscope methods to reveal how cells move inside tissues and will use light to control cell movement.
Credit: Jocelyn McDonald, Kansas State University
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Guojian Wang of the University of South Dakota researches large size high-purity germanium crystals on a project expected to lead to significant advancements in development of instruments capable of observing dark matter.
Credit: Guojian Wang, Physics Department, University of South Dakota
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