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News Release 18-064

In drought and heavy rains, ecosystems function like information communication networks

Connectivity explains ecosystem responses to extreme events

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Scientists studied ecosystem connectivity at Idaho's Reynolds Creek CZO.

Scientists studied ecosystem connectivity at Idaho's Reynolds Creek CZO.

Credit: NSF Reynolds Creek CZO

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The Southern Sierra CZO was also a research site in the study.

The Southern Sierra CZO was also a research site in the study.

Credit: NSF Southern Sierra CZO

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Earth's critical zone extends from above the tree canopy to bedrock.

Earth's critical zone extends from above the tree canopy to bedrock.

Credit: NSF CZO

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NSF CZO sites are located in watersheds from coast to coast across the U.S.

NSF CZO sites are located in watersheds from coast to coast across the U.S.

Credit: NSF Southern Sierra CZO/Jenny Park

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Researchers at the Reynolds Creek CZO site studied mountain big sagebrush.

Researchers at the Reynolds Creek CZO site studied mountain big sagebrush.

Credit: NSF Reynolds Creek CZO

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What stories they tell: Jeffrey pines in the southern Sierras offer ecosystem connectivity clues.

What stories they tell: Jeffrey pines in the southern Sierras offer ecosystem connectivity clues.

Credit: Lindsay Arvin

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