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Request for Community Input, on Cyberinfrastructure Vision Document - Closed

December 26, 2006

Request for Community Input on Cyberinfrastructure Vision Document - Closed

Over the past year, NSF's Cyberinfrastructure Council, based on input from the research community, has developed a comprehensive vision to guide the Foundation's future investments in cyberinfrastructure - the IT-based infrastructure increasingly essential to science and engineering leadership in the 21st century. This is summarized in the document entitled NSF’s Cyberinfrastructure Vision for 21st Century Discovery. 

In recent months, public comments were solicited on the draft version of this document.  The National Science Foundation would like to thank all of those who provided feedback on the Cyberinfrastructure Vision for 21st Century Discovery.  These comments are being considered during the preparation of the final version of the document.  The public comment period is now closed and the final version of NSF's Cyberinfrastructure Vision document will be published on the NSF web-site in the coming weeks.

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