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Media Advisory 12-020 - Video

Webcast: Two "firsts" give citizen science new prominence in addressing societal problems

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Three experts on citizen science discuss the importance and rapidly growing momentum of citizen science with reporters. These experts were 1) David Hanych, an NSF program director who manages many NSF-funded citizen science projects; 2) Sandra Henderson, a senior education specialist at NEON and director of NEON's Project BudBurst, an NSF-funded citizen science group that monitors plants as seasons change; and 3) Henry Reges, national coordinator of a Community Collaborative Rain, Hail & Snow Network, which receives NSF funding.

This webcast marked the publication of the first journal issue exclusively devoted to citizen science (Citizen Science-New Pathways to Public Involvement in Research) and the first cross-disciplinary conference on citizen science (A Conference on Public Participation in Scientific Research).

Credit: National Science Foundation

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