Spiral of Complexity, Molecular

Image: Spiral of Complexity, Molecular

Caption: As the spiral of complexity that surrounds the mystery of cholera begins, let it begin with insights from the smallest scale.
Further description: Biocomplexity: A swirl of colors follows a black spiral. Following the path of the spiral are the following titles and images: Cosmos- picture of the cosmos, Planetary-picture of earth, Ecosystem-picture of a hurricane, Community-picture of an aerial view of a residential community, Population-picture of a forest, Habitat-picture of a single tree, Organism-picture of a seahorse, Organ-picture of a heart, Tissue-picture of human scar tissue, Cellular-picture of a cut-away cell showing the nucleus and chromosomes within, Molecular- picture of a swirling DNA strand with the DNA strand attachment within, and Atomic- picture of an atom cluster. But everything is ghosted but the Biocomplexity title and the molecular strand of DNA.

Design by: NSF/S. Raimo
NSF funded: Yes
NSF permission to use: Yes
Government Image: Yes

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