Speeches and Presentations by Former NSF Director Dr. Arden L. Bement, Jr.
Washington, DC
"Scientific Collections: Preserving Our Heritage of Discovery, Enriching Our Legacy to the Future"
Washington, DC
Two Score and More: A Lifetime of Learning for Keeping Engineers at the Fore
Arlington, Virginia
Also see: the slides.
West Lafayette, IN
Also see: the slides.
NSF Celebration of Black History Month--Introduction of Dr. Vincent Hutchings
Arlington, VA
Chicago, Illinois
Also see: the slides.
"Energy, Environment and Economy: Can Science Help?", University of Toledo
Toledo, Ohio
NSF Awards Ceremony, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association Building
Arlington, Virginia
"Pay it Forward," Graduate Commencement Address, University of California, Irvine
Irvine, California
Aurora, Illinois
"Climate Change: Challenges and Priorities for Basic Research"
Tokyo, Japan
Also see: the slides.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Tallahassee, Florida
Presentation of the NSF FY 2009 Budget Request to Congress
Arlington, VA
Also see: the slides.
Washington, DC
Arlington, VA
Arlington, VA
"NSF Partnerships In--And Out Of--The Classroom", Remarks at Drew University
Madison, NJ
Arlington, VA
Washington, DC
Seoul, Korea
Also see: the slides.
Remarks to the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) Board Meeting
Bethesda, MD
Washington, DC
Hanover, New Hampshire
Also see: the slides.
Washington, DC
Testimony on International Polar Year
Before the Senate Committees on Commerce and on Foreign Relations
Testimony on National Academy of Sciences report on Federal Icebreaking Missions
Before the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation
Before the House Committee on Science
Testimony on International Polar Year
Before the House Committee on Science Subcommittee on Research
Luncheon Remarks, International Conference on Engineering Education
San Juan, Puerto Rico
"From Commitment to Engagement: How Industry Can Cultivate Competitiveness," Digital Dialogue Forum
Washington, DC
"Cyberinfrastructure's Central Role in Building a Wise Crowd," TeraGrid All-Hands Meeting
Indianapolis, Indiana
Also see: the slides.
Beijing, China
Also see: the slides.
"Collaboration and Competition: What Can Governments Do?," G8 Heads of Research Councils Meeting
Paris, France
Also see: the slides.
Guest Editorial
Testimony on the National Science Foundation and Science Priorities
Before the Senate Commerce Committee's Subcommittee on Science and Space
Dallas, Texas
Testimony on K-12 Science and Math Education Across Federal Agencies
Before the House Science Committee
Testimony on the Importance of Basic Research to United States' Competitiveness
Before the Senate Commerce Committee's Technology, Innovation, and Competitiveness Subcommittee
Testimony on the NSF FY 2007 Budget Request
Before the House Committee on Appropriations' Subcommittee on Science, the Departments of State, Justice, Commerce, and Related Agencies
Testimony on S. 2198, Protecting America's Competitive Edge (PACE) Act
Before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee's Subcommittee on Education and Early Childhood Education
Testimony, The National Science Foundation's FY 2007 Budget Request
Before the House Science Committee
Washington, DC
"Un-Common Sense: Recipe for a Cyber Planet," Remarks, NCSA 20th Anniversary Distinguished Lecture
Urbana, IL
Association of Independent Technological Universities (AITU) Annual Meeting, After Dinner Remarks
Palm Desert, CA
Remarks, Setting the Agenda for 21st Century Science
Council of Scientific Society Presidents
"A Conversation with the NSF Director," Remarks, NASULGC 118th Annual Meeting Luncheon
Washington, DC
"Partnerships at the Frontier," Remarks, Accelerating Innovation Foundation Conference 2005
Washington, DC
Also see: the slides.
Remarks at Dedication of New Terascale System, Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
Pittsburgh, PA
Opening Remarks, 2004 Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers
Arlington, VA
Closing Remarks, 2004 Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers
Washington, DC
Before the United States Senate Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation, Subcommittee on Disaster Prevention and Prediction
Baltimore, MD
Also see: the slides.
Testimony, The National Science Foundation's FY 2006 Budget
Before the House Appropriations Committee's Science, State, Justice, and Commerce, and Related Agencies Subcommittee
"Government's Role in Industrial R&D," AAAS Annual Meeting, Symposium on Industrial Research Trends
Washington, DC
Announcement of FY 2006 Budget Request to Congress
Arlington, VA
Also see: the slides.
"From New Sight to Foresight: The Long View on the Environment"
Address to National Council for Science and the Environment
Also see: the slides.
Testimony, U.S. Tsunami Warning System
Before the United States Senate Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation
"From Sorcerer's Apprentice to Wizard of Change," Commencement Address
Colorado School of Mines
"The Conduct of Science Is Not What It Used to Be," Address to Instituto Politecnico Nacional
Mexico City, Mexico
Also see: the slides.
Washington, DC
Also see: the slides.
Washington, DC
Washington, DC
Pullman, WA
Also see: the slides.
Washington, DC
Remarks, International Polar Year 2007-2008: Implementation Workshop, National Academy of Sciences
Washington, DC
Washington, DC
Also see: the slides.