The National Science Board (NSB; Board) Vision 2030 Task Force was established and charged to coordinate the development of a Vision that will help guide the Board and the National Science Foundation (NSF) through 2030. The goal of the Vision was also to increase support for and impact of investments in fundamental science and engineering research (S&E) and a STEM-educated workforce. In fulfilling this charge, the Task Force was expected to plan activities to gather input and perspective from the rest of the Board, NSF leadership and staff, and relevant stakeholders within and outside the government.
We invite you to explore resources related to the NSB’s Vision 2030 plan and to send feedback and ideas to or by completing a feedback form.
Cultivating America’s STEM Talent Must Begin at Home
Published in Issues in Science and Technology on November 30, 2021
By Ellen Ochoa, Victor R. McCrary
Cultivating America’s STEM Talent Must Begin at Home
Published in Issues in Science and Technology on November 30, 2021
By Ellen Ochoa, Victor R. McCrary
The NSB welcomes feedback on the 2030 Vision and invites you to give us feedback by emailing or by completing a feedback form.