2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 |2015 |2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 |
National Science Board Committee on Strategy (CS) Teleconference (CLOSED)
NSB teleconference
National Science Board Meeting
NSB Meeting
| Sunshine Act Meeting Notice | Basis for Closing | One Page Agenda | YouTube Webcast Meeting Day 1 | YouTube Webcast Meeting Day 2 | Major Actions and Approvals | Presentations | Open Session Approved Minutes |
National Science Board Committee on External Engagement (EE) Teleconference
NSB teleconference
National Science Board Awards and Facilities Committee (AF) Teleconference (CLOSED)
NSB teleconference
National Science Board Awards and Facilities Committee (AF) Teleconference (OPEN)
NSB teleconference
National Science Board Committee on Oversight (CO) Teleconference
NSB teleconference
National Science Board Committee on Science and Engineering Policy (SEP) Teleconference (OPEN)
NSB teleconference
National Science Board’s External Engagement Committee Teleconference (CLOSED)
NSB teleconference
| Sunshine Act Meeting Notice - Rescheduled Meeting | Sunshine Act Meeting Notice | Basis for Closing |
National Science Board Committee on Strategy (CS) S-TIP Teleconference (CLOSED)
NSB teleconference
National Science Board Committee on Strategy (CS) Teleconference (CLOSED)
NSB teleconference
National Science Board Awards and Facilities Committee (AF) Teleconference (CLOSED)
NSB teleconference
National Science Board Committee on Oversight (CO) Teleconference (OPEN)
NSB teleconference
National Science Board Committee on Strategy (CS) Teleconference (CLOSED)
NSB teleconference
National Science Board Committee on Strategy (CS) Teleconference (CLOSED)
NSB teleconference
National Science Board Committee on External Engagement (EE) Teleconference
NSB teleconference
National Science Board Committee on Oversight (CO) Teleconference (CLOSED)
NSB teleconference
National Science Board Committee on Strategy (CS) Teleconference (CLOSED)
NSB teleconference
National Science Board Meeting
NSB Meeting
| Sunshine Act Meeting Notice | Basis for Closing | Committee on Oversight (CO) Agenda | Committee on Strategy (CS) | Plenary Agenda | Committee on Science and Engineering Policy (SEP) Agenda | One Page Agenda | YouTube Webcast Meeting Day 1 | YouTube Webcast Meeting Day 2 | Major Actions and Approvals | Presentations | Open Session Approved Minutes |
National Science Board Committee on External Engagement (EE) Teleconference (rescheduled for Jul 30)
NSB teleconference
National Science Board Committee on Awards and Facilities (A&F) Teleconference (CLOSED)
NSB teleconference
NSB Committee on External Engagement (EE) Teleconference - originally scheduled for Aug 3
NSB teleconference
| Sunshine Act Meeting Notice | Change Notice | Basis for Holding Committee on Short Notice |
National Science Board Committee on Strategy (CS) Teleconference (CLOSED)
NSB teleconference
National Science Board Committee on Science and Engineering Policy (SEP) Teleconference (OPEN)
NSB teleconference
National Science Board Committee on Nominating the NSB Class of 2022-2028 Teleconference (CLOSED)
NSB teleconference
| Sunshine Act Meeting Notice | Basis for Closing | Basis for Closing (updated) |
National Science Board Committee on Awards and Facilities (A&F) Teleconference (CLOSED)
NSB teleconference
| Sunshine Act Meeting Notice | Basis for Closing | Basis for Closing (updated) |
National Science Board Awards and Facilities Committee (AF) Teleconference
NSB teleconference
National Science Board Committee on Nominating NSB Class of 2022-2028 (NOMS) Teleconference (CLOSED)
NSB teleconference
National Science Board Meeting
NSB Meeting
| Sunshine Act Meeting Notice | Basis for Closing the Meeting and Counsel Certification | Committee on Awards & Facilities (A&F) Agenda | Committee on Oversight (CO) Agenda | Committee on Strategy (CS) | Committee on External Engagement (EE) | Plenary Agenda | Committee on Science and Engineering Policy (SEP) Agenda | One Page Agenda | YouTube Webcast Meeting Day 1 | YouTube Webcast Meeting Day 2 | Major Actions and Approvals | Presentations | Open Session Approved Minutes |
National Science Board Committee on Science and Engineering Policy (SEP) Teleconference
NSB teleconference
National Science Board Awards and Facilities Committee (AF) Teleconference (CLOSED)
NSB teleconference
National Science Board Committee on Nominating the NSB Class of 2022-2028 Teleconference (CLOSED)
NSB teleconference
National Science Board Committee on Strategy (CS) Teleconference (CLOSED)
NSB teleconference
National Science Board Meeting
NSB Meeting
| Sunshine Act Meeting Notice Updated | Sunshine Act Meeting Notice | Basis for Closing the Meeting and Counsel Certification | Plenary Agenda | Committee on Oversight (CO) Agenda | Committee on Science and Engineering Policy (SEP) Agenda | Committee on Awards & Facilities (A&F) Agenda | Committee on Strategy (CS) | Committee on External Engagement (EE) | YouTube Webcast Meeting Day 1 | YouTube Webcast Meeting Day 2 | One Page Agenda | Presentations | Major Actions and Approvals | Open Session Approved Minutes |
National Science Board Committee on Science and Engineering Policy (SEP) Teleconference
NSB teleconference
National Science Board Committee on Oversight (CO) Teleconference
NSB teleconference
National Science Board Committee on Strategy (CS) Teleconference
NSB teleconference
National Science Board Committee on Oversight (CO) Teleconference
NSB teleconference
National Science Board Committee on Awards and Facilities (A&F) Teleconference (CLOSED)
NSB teleconference