PIRE 5 (2015) Award Information

This list is intended to illustrate the range of activities funded under the PIRE program.

Award numbers in the table below link to NSF Award Abstracts. For additional information on the PIRE program, check the PIRE program webpage.

Award Num PI Name
US Institution
Expected Total Awd
1545852 Aguilar, Guillermo PIRE: Synthesis of Optical Materials for Bioapplications: Research,Education, Recruitment and Outreach (SOMBRERO) University of California-Riverside Mexico $3,601,376
1545907 Aluru, N R. PIRE: Integrated Computational Materials Engineering for Active Materials and Interfaces in Chemical Fuel Production University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Japan $4,273,825
1545874 Anagnostou, Emmanouil PIRE: Taming Water in Ethiopia: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Improve Human Security in a Water-Dependent Emerging Region University of Connecticut Ethiopia, France, Germany, South Korea, UK $4,274,944
1545837 Brody, Samuel PIRE- Coastal Flood Risk Reduction Program: Integrated, multi-scale approaches for understanding how to reduce vulnerability to damaging events Texas A&M University Main Campus The Netherlands $3,598,501
1545884 Composto, Russell PIRE: Research and Education in Active Coatings Technologies (REACT) for the Human Habitat
University of Pennsylvania France $3,529,407
1545859 Garzione, Carmala PIRE: DUST stimulated drawn-down of atmospheric CO2 as a trigger for
Northern Hemisphere Glaciation
University of Rochester China $4,242,259
1545553 Hanley-Bowdoin, Linda PIRE: U.S.-East Africa Research and Education Partnership: Cassava
mosaic disease - A paradigm for the evolution of insect-transmitted
plant virus pathosystems
North Carolina State University Kenya, Tanzania $5,000,000
1545917 Joseph, Everette PIRE: Building Extreme Weather Resiliency and Global Community
Resiliency Through Improved Weather and Climate Prediction and
Emergency Response Strategies
SUNY at Albany Taiwan $4,497,533
1545949 Kasliwal, Mansi PIRE: GROWTH: Global Relay of Observatories Watching Transients

California Institute of Technology

Israel, Germany, Taiwan, India, Japan, Sweden


1545857 Kim, Kwang PIRE:Advanced Artificial Muscles for International and Globally
Competitive Research and Education in Soft Robotics
University of Nevada Las Vegas South Korea, Japan $3,797,785
1545903 Kohn, Matthew PIRE: ExTerra Field Institute and Research Endeavor (E-FIRE) Boise State University France, Germany, Spain, Swtzerland, Italy $4,022,940
1545900 Kroll, Judith PIRE: Translating cognitive and brain science in the laboratory and
field to language learning environments
Pennsylvania State Univ University Park Brazil, Spain, Germany, China, Mexico, Netherlands, Columbia, UK, Poliand $5,000,000
1545803 Miller, Mark PIRE: Neural Mechanisms of Reward and Decision University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus Turkey, Chile, Egypt, Italy, Canada $3,800,000
1545913 Orttung, Robert PIRE: Promoting Urban Sustainability in the Arctic George Washington University Russia, Finland, South Korea, Canada, Norway $3,020,646
1545684 Schneider, Barbara PIRE: Crafting Optimal Learning in Science Environments Michigan State University Finland $3,602,431
1545756 Vikesland, Peter PIRE: Halting Environmental Antimicrobial Resistance Dissemination
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University China, India, Philippines, Switzerland, Portugal, Sweden $3,333,000
1545858 Yoon, Euisik PIRE: International Program for the Advancement of Neurotechnology
University of Michigan Ann Arbor Germany, South Korea, Singapore, UK $5,000,000

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