NSF's Guiding Principles


The National Science Foundation is in many ways a unique Federal agency. Its relationships with the academic research community and with the science and engineering education community must be both a working, trusting partnership and an arm's length, impartial interaction. In managing the Federal research investment, NSF must simultaneously be part of the research and education community and independent of it. The following set of guiding principles allows the Foundation to maintain this delicate balance.


As responsible trustees of public funds, NSF will provide the American people with the best possible management of its investment in research and education in science and engineering:


The researchers and educators supported by NSF are eager to pursue new opportunities for knowledge and educational reform wherever they occur. As the leading Federal supporter of fundamental research and education in science and engineering, it is essential to identify areas of national need as well as areas of intellectual opportunity:


NSF and the community it serves are convinced that science and engineering can improve our world, our society, and ourselves:


NSF and the community it serves are committed to excellence, as a personal and an organizational standard:


NSF and the community it serves are committed to the sharing of information and a free marketplace of ideas:
NSF in a Changing World: The National Science Foundation's Strategic Plan

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