The NSF Vision

Cloning genes(Robert Reichert. Search Magazine. The Rockefeller University)
Caption: A high school student learning how to clone genes highlights NSF's commitment to advancing education through research-based learning experiences.

As for the future,
your task is not to foresee it,
but to enable it.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupery

The National Science Foundation is a catalyst for progress through investment in science, mathematics, and engineering. Guided by its longstanding commitment to the highest standards of excellence in the support of discovery and learning, NSF pledges to provide the stewardship necessary to sustain and strengthen the Nation's science, mathematics, and engineering capabilities and to promote the use of those capabilities in service to society.

Surveying changes(T.W. Pietsch)
Caption: Surveying changes in numbers and distribution of species enables researchers to monitor changes in Earth's biodiversity.

NSF in a Changing World: The National Science Foundation's Strategic Plan

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