Arctic Science, Engineering, and Education Directory of Awards provides bibliographic data on the Arctic awards granted each Fiscal Year by the National Science Foundation. All awards are listed under their primary Division and within Division by program. Split-funded awards are listed only under their primary programs.

The following indexes appear at the end of the publication: Principal Investigator; Institution; Geographic Area; and Key Word. All entries are listed in alphabetical order and refer to the corresponding page number.

Sample Record and Field Definitions:

  1. Title of the Award
  2. Award Number
  3. Starting Date; Amount Funded; and Duration of Award
  4. Name of Institution (any college, university, laboratory, industry, or other organization designated as the NSF awardee)
  5. Address of Awardee Institution
  6. Principal Investigator (PI)
  7. Abstract of Award

Format at a Glance:

  1. Paleozoic Faunal Affinity Studies in West-Central and East-Central Alaska
  2. EAR 9312854
  3. 09/15/96; (INT) $12,919; 32 months
  4. University of Oregon­Eugene
  5. Eugene, OR 97403-5219
  6. Norman M. Savage
  7. The PI will collect brachiopod and conodont faunas of suspect terranes in central Alaska and compare these faunas with known faunas in southeastern Alaska and cratonic North America. The comparison of these faunas will help determine the history of terrane displacement in Alaska. The field effort will be coordinated with the U.S. Geological Survey.