This report is a summary of the DNA/Biomolecular Computing Workshop held on June 6-7, 1996 in Arlington, VA. The purpose of the workshop was to bring together researchers from both computer science and biotechnology to assess the current state of biomolecular computing, and to identify and explore the most promising approaches and most critical problems of this technology. Presentations by both computer scientists and biologists described the current state and future directions of biomolecular computing research and of competing computing technologies. The consensus of the participants was that although there is no clear road map toward achieving an efficient biomolecular computing device, there are many research directions that should be pursued that could lead to such a device.
The current explosion of interest in molecular computing was sparked by Adleman's 1994 Science paper in which he showed how to use DNA to encode and solve a "toy" 7-city travelling salesperson problem. Although 7 cities is such a small problem that it can be solved at first glance by anyone, the method used could in principle be extended to much larger instances of the problem. This problem is particularly interesting since it is a member of an important class of problems known as NP-complete for which there are no known efficient algorithms on conventional computers. The reasons for optimism about this approach were the minute amounts of DNA and energy used and the large number of molecules that could be operated on concurrently. But questions remained about the scalability of the approach and the cost of materials for it.
Since then, much work has been done, both in assessing the theoretical computational issues of molecular computing as well as studying and improving the practical aspects of the biochemical systems. Molecular computing has been shown to be universal, meaning that it is theoretically capable of performing any computation that a conventional computer can. Several combinations of computational primitives, supported by a variety of biochemical reactions, have been proposed, and some have been tested in the laboratory.
The DNA/Biomolecular Computing Workshop was held on June 6-7, 1996 in Arlington, VA. It was designed to bring together researchers from both computer science and biotechnology to assess the current state of biomolecular computing, and to identify and explore the most promising approaches and most critical problems of this technology. The format of the workshop consisted of informal presentations alternating with lively open discussions. On the last afternoon of the workshop, separate working groups of computer scientists and of biologists met and prepared lists of research areas to be pursued. In the final session these lists were presented and discussed.
The consensus view was that it is unlikely that a general-purpose biomolecular computer capable of outperforming a conventional electronic computer will be produced in the near future. This field is in its infancy, however, and more basic research needs to be done to assess its capabilities. There are many possibilities for molecular computing architectures that should be explored. Many of these, in addition to being computationally interesting, will almost certainly generate useful technologies for non-computational applications. Specific research areas that should be pursued include better characterization of the chemical reactions involved as computational primitives, improved or alternative techniques for performing input/output, and new computational models based on molecular components other than DNA in solution.
1 Introduction
A series of discoveries over the past fifty years have illuminated
the extraordinary capabilities of living cells to store and process
information. We have learned that genes encoded digitally as
nucleotide sequences serve as a kind of instruction manual for
the chemical processes within the cell and constitute the hereditary
information that is passed from parents to their offspring. Information
storage and processing within the cell is more efficient by many
orders of magnitude than electronic digital computation, with
respect to both information density and energy consumption.
The field of recombinant DNA technology has developed, based on
procedures for synthesizing, cutting, splicing, copying, replicating
and reading DNA molecules, and for separating and classifying
them according to their size or content. These processes are fairly
slow but highly parallel, operating on as many as 10^(16) molecules
at a time. We have the ability to create designer genomes by
splicing together selected fragments from different organisms,
and cloning them by exploiting the self-replicating ability of
bacterial cells. Recombinant DNA technology has also led to the
creation of DNA hybridization arrays that can be used to analyze
genomes and detect mutations associated with disease.
Recombinant DNA technology is an example in which the information
processing capabilities of biological molecules are exploited
for technological purposes. Another example is combinatorial
chemistry, in which proteins with a specific activity, such as
binding to a particular antigen, are synthesized by an iterative
process which operates on a large pool of candidate proteins simultaneously
in vitro, alternately selecting those proteins that are
fittest with respect to the desired activity and then mutating
them randomly to obtain a new pool of candidate proteins.
In the examples of recombinant DNA technology and combinatorial
chemistry, processes inherent to living cells are used to analyze
or modify biological molecules, and to select those with desirable
properties. The field of biomolecular computing goes further
by using these processes to perform information processing that
has no intrinsic connection with the processing of biological
molecules - in other words, biological molecules are used as a
medium for general-purpose digital computation.
Biomolecular computing leapt into prominence in late 1994 through
the work of Len Adleman, who performed a laboratory experiment
in which a collection of DNA molecules was constructed representing
the possible solutions to a toy combinatorial problem, and recombinant
DNA techniques were used to sift through these molecules to select
the correct solution. Subsequent work has introduced many refinements,
but has for the most part stuck to Adleman's original generate-and-test
approach, in which a large collection of candidate solutions is
generated, and tests are then performed in order to discard the
incorrect solutions, until only the correct ones remain.
The original enthusiasm, based on the extraordinary energy efficiency
and compactness of information storage afforded by the DNA medium,
together with the extraordinary degree of parallelism of recombinant
DNA procedures, is tempered by a number of sobering concerns.
Among these are the following:
Because of these considerations DNA computation as we currently
understand it may have a very limited range of application. Certainly
no "killer application" has been identified yet. Nevertheless,
biomolecular computing is still in its infancy. Our understanding
of it, currently limited to a particular paradigm of DNA computing,
will surely broaden as we gain a better understanding of information
storage and processing in living cells, and the challenge of achieving
cost-effective biomolecular computing will surely serve as a forcing
function for advances in both biotechnology and computer science.
Despite the short duration of our workshop, a number of promising,
albeit speculative, directions for investigation were identified.
We conclude the Introduction by mentioning some of them.
Information Processing Mechanisms in the Cell There is
a great deal of science to be done in elucidating the mechanisms
by which living cells store and process information and developing
new biochemical tools and techniques based on these mechanisms.
These new mechanisms will inevitably suggest new modes of biomolecular
computing. Examples of such possibilities include:
We should investigate Novel Computer Architectures, such
as analog biomolecular computers and hybrid computers containing
general-purpose electronic processors interacting with special-purpose
biomolecular processors, as well as Special Applications
such as sequence assembly or drug design, in which the information
to be operated upon is inherently chemical or biochemical, so
that costly input/output conversions between electronic and biochemical
media can be dispensed with.
Departures from the Generate-and-Test Paradigm Combinatorial
problems can be attacked by parallel local search algorithms,
which maintain a large but not exhaustive pool of potential solutions,
and gradually improve the quality of the pool by mechanisms of
selection, crossover and replication analogous to those used in
combinatorial drug design. DNA implementations of such procedures
would not require the generation of all possible solutions, and
could therefore be applied to larger problem instances.
Spin-offs The development of DNA computing will require
the refinement and careful characterization of basic procedures
for separating, ligating, cutting and amplifying DNA. The improved
implementation and understanding of these procedures should find
important applications in the biotech industry.
2 Participants
The workshop was held June 6-7, 1996, at the National Science Foundation in Arlington,
Lee Hood, Department of Molecular Biotechnology, University of Washington, Co-chair
Richard M. Karp, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Washington, Co-chair
Leonard Adleman, Department of Computer Science, University of Southern California (teleconference)
Tilak Agerwala, Director, Parallel Architecture and Systems Design, IBM, Poughkeepsie, NY
Gary Benson, Department of Biomathematical Sciences, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine
Nickolas Chelyapov, Laboratory for Molecular Science, University of Southern California
Anne Condon, Department of Computer Science, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Arthur L. Delcher, Department of Computer Science, Loyola College in Maryland
James C. Ellenbogen, Nanosystems Group, Mitre Corporation
David Gifford, Laboratory for Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Susan Hardin, Department of Biology, University of Houston
S. Rao Kosaraju, Department of Computer Science, Johns Hopkins University
Robert Lipshutz, Affymetrix
Tom Knight, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
John Reif, Department of Computer Science, Duke University
Lloyd Smith, Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Richard Superfine, Department of Physics, University of North Carolina
Granger Sutton, Institute for Genomics Research
Richard Watson, Advanced Information Technology Computation Organization,
Erik Winfree, Computation and Neural Systems Program, California
3 History and Current State of Biomolecular Computing
After opening remarks, the workshop began with a presentation
via teleconference by Leonard Adleman, University of Southern
California, on the history and current state of research in the
area of DNA and biomolecular computing.
The historical origins of molecular computing can be found in
the work of researchers from three academic arenas. Logicians
Godel, Church, Kleene and Turing showed that universal computation
could be accomplished using only memory and simple calculation
steps. Biologists Watson and Crick discovered how genetic information
is encoded digitally in DNA and how enzymes could manipulate this
information. Finally physicist Richard Feynman argued that there
were no inherent physical laws to prevent building extremely small
The current explosion of interest in molecular computing was sparked
by Adleman's 1994 Science paper in which he showed how
to use DNA to encode and solve a "toy" 7-city travelling
salesperson problem. Although 7 cities is such a small problem
that it can be solved at first glance by anyone, the method used
could in principle be extended to much larger instances of the
The travelling salesperson problem consists of a collection of
cities with a designated set of one-way connections from one city
to another. The goal is to determine whether there exists a sequence
of connections that visits every city without going to the same
city twice. What makes this problem particularly interesting is
that it is a member of an important class of problems known as
NP-complete for which there are no known efficient algorithms
on conventional computers.
Adleman solved the problem by designing a separate strand of DNA
for each possible connection from one city to another. Moreover,
the strands were created so that they would bind together exactly
when the destination of one connection matched the source of another.
The actual DNA was then fabricated and mixed together so that
all possible bindings would occur. From the result, molecules
that represented solutions to the problem could be isolated by
extracting those molecules that had the correct length and which
contained the code segments for all the cities.
There were several reasons to be optimistic about the potential
of DNA computing based on the characteristics of Adleman's experiment.
The volume of DNA used was very small, only 100 microliters.
The speed of computation, specifically the rate at which molecules
combined, was very fast, approximately 10^(14) operations/second
(a pentium chip performs about l0^(8) operations/second while a parallel
supercomputer may perform as many as 10^(12) operations/second).
The energy used for the computation was extremely small, only
2 x 10^(19) operations/joule (within a factor of 17 of the theoretical
optimum at room temperature). Finally the density of memory storage
was very large, about 1 bit/cubic nanometer (about l0^(12) times
denser than conventional videotape).
On the other hand, there were some clear difficulties to the approach.
As implemented, Adleman's approach would require oceans of DNA
to scale up to large enough problems to be of interest. The error
rates in the molecular processes in the computation were high,
especially in comparison to those of conventional computers. The
cost of the materials in the experiment was high (some of the
enzymes cost 10^(5) as much as gold). Finally, there was no clear
computational problem that people wanted to solve for which the
DNA approach appeared superior to conventional computers. In
other words, there was no "killer application".
In the ensuing year further work has been done both in assessing
the theoretical computational issues of molecular computing as
well as studying and improving the practical aspects of the biomolecular
systems themselves. In the theoretical domain it has been shown
that molecular computing is universal, i.e., it is capable
of performing any computation that any other kind of computer
can (but, of course, not necessarily as efficiently). In the
biology domain, work has progressed in characterizing and improving
the biochemical operations that can be performed, and in designing
new architectures for biomolecular computers including different
subsets of allowed operations and different methods of holding
the DNA being used (attaching it to glass for example, rather
than keeping it in solution). Work also has progressed in designing
DNA sequences with desirable properties and in controlling the
error rates inherent in the biochemical reactions.
One promising alternative molecular computing architecture is
the stickers mode, currently being explored by Adleman.
In this model, long memory strands of DNA are used together with
shorter strands--stickers--which can anneal (attach) to a unique
site on a long strand. An attached sticker represents a 1-bit,
while the absence of a sticker represents a 0-bit. A test tube
contains a collection of identical DNA memory strands, but with
different stickers annealed.
There are three basic operations supported by the stickers model.
The simplest is a merge operation in which the contents of two
tubes are combined. The second is a separation operation based
on the presence or absence of a sticker at a particular location.
Two tubes are produced--one containing all complexes with the
particular sticker attached, the other containing the remaining
complexes. The third operation is a sticker-attach operation
that anneals a specific sticker to all memory strands in a test
The stickers model can be used to design a system to break Data
Encryption Standard (DES) encryption. Specifically, given a message
and its encrypted version, the system will compute which 56-bit
key was used for the encryption. The proposed system would use
a rack of test tubes containing a total of 1.4 grams of DNA, manipulated
by 32 robots under microprocessor control. It would require separation
error rates of less than 1 bad molecule for every 10,000 good
ones, and would use no expensive enzymes. If stickers operations
could be performed at the rate of 1 per hour, then DES could be
broken in 7 months; at the rate of 1 operation per second, DES
could be broken in 1.5 hours.
There are several reasons to be optimistic about DNA computing
in the future. It realizes massive parallelism. It works with
very low energy consumption. It can store huge amounts of memory
in a very small volume. It has made rapid advances in a very
brief time frame. Systems are now being proposed that do not
use vast amounts of DNA, or require phenomenal error rates, or
use expensive reagents. Finally, there are many potential architectures
available, combining different biochemical technologies and computational
Reasons for pessimism still remain, however. The DNA reactions
are slow, taking as much as an hour each. No practical application
that fits this technology has been identified. Achieving the
desired error rates in the chemical reactions is a major technical
challenge. Finally, there is very strong competition from conventional
electronic computers, in which phenomenal intellectual and financial
investments have been made for more than 40 years.
4 Technologies
4.1 Competing Technologies
To be of practical significance, biomolecular computing systems
will need to outperform other kinds of computing systems.
Conventional Electronic Computers Tilak Agerwala, IBM,
gave a presentation describing the current state-of-the art in
high-performance electronic parallel computing systems, as well
as projections for where such systems will be in the next 15 years,
based in large part on the 1995 Petaflops Workshop.
Although various proposals for innovative architectures exist,
the mainstream view of the computer of the future is that it will
utilize standard technology component microprocessors and operating
systems with custom interconnection networks and judiciously chosen
high-performance system services. Processor speeds currently are
in the 1/4 to 1/2 gigaflop** range and are likely to increase by
a factor of 20 in the next few years. Switch technology will improve
at roughly the same rate. By 1998, multi-terafiop machines will
be available at a cost of about $100 million. By the year 2015,
petaflops systems with 5-10 thousand processors, each with up
to 200 gigabytes of memory and 20 terabytes of on-line storage
will be available. Of course, special-purpose dedicated computing
systems with even better performance characteristics will be possible
by then.
Other Technologies James Ellenbogen, Mitre Corporation,
presented an overview of other technological approaches for building
computing devices. Among the most revolutionary of these are molecular-scale
nanomechanical computing systems and quantum computers based on
interferences among coherent quantum waves. The best-developed
technologies, however, are those connected with developing nanometer-scale
electronic devices. Such devices include quantum dot cells, quantum-effect
solid-state devices and molecular electronic circuit arrays.
Quantum dots, for example, are small molecular "boxes' that
can hold electrons. These dots can be used to make two-state
cells that can be combined into chains, which can convey information
without current flow. The cells can also be combined to form logic
gates. Since such devices are electronic, they will be easier
to integrate with conventional microelectronic devices and hence
will be readily adopted and will receive large financial investments.
Such technologies will pose stiff competition for biomolecular
computing systems.
4.2 Biomolecular Technologies
Research in various biotechnologies may provide useful components
in building molecular computers. Rob Lipshutz, Affymetrix, described
work being done to construct ordered oligonucleotide arrays using
photolithography to deposit DNA on glass. With their technique
they can create, on a single glass chip, a grid of cells (called
features) in each of which are many copies of a particular DNA
strand. They currently are working on feature sizes as small
as 10 micrometers, allowing more than a million features to be stored on a
single chip. Thus, for example, they can create an array containing
every possible DNA 10-mer on one glass chip. The features can
be detected using fluorizine and a scanning confocal microscope.
In essence, they have an addressable high-density storage array
for DNA. Similar technology using inkjets instead of photolithography
is being studied at the University of Washington.
Lloyd Smith, University of Wisconsin, discussed how solid-support
chemistry can be used for DNA computing. The advantages of using
solids compared to solutions are easy handling, reduced interference
between oligonucleotides and easier purification. The disadvantages
are limited surface area, decreased hybridization kinetics and
surface-chemistry effects. They have designed a system that supports
four computational primitives: mark a particular DNA strand (by
hybridizing); unmark a strand (by dehybridizing); destroy a marked
strand (using exonuclease); and append a sequence to the end of
another sequence (using polymerase extension and ligation).
Erik Winfree and Nickolas Chelyapov, Laboratory for Molecular
Science at USC, described their work in designing and implementing
the above-mentioned stickers model of DNA computing. In order
to increase the binding accuracy of the sticker strands they have
used peptide nucleic acid (PNA) strands for the stickers. The
major bottleneck in their system currently is achieving highly
accurate separations.
4.3 Computational Issues
Richard Karp, University of Washington, presented a summary of
the computational power of DNA computing. The basic approach
of molecular computing to solving NP-hard problems has been to
construct a DNA molecule for each potential solution and then
use molecular operations to eliminate invalid solutions.
There are five basic operations used in DNA computing. The extract
operation separates a tube T into two tubes: one with all
molecules containing a particular substring; and another with
the remaining molecules. The merge operation simply mixes two
tubes. The detect operation simply checks if there are
any strands in a tube. The copy operation amplifies all
the strands in a tube. Finally, the append operation attaches
a given string to the end of every molecule in a tube.
A length-n bit string can be encoded effectively as a DNA molecule.
First assign two sequences: one to represent a 0-bit, the other
to represent a 1-bit. Then concatenate these patterns separated
by sequences that identify the position of each bit in the string.
A tube containing all possible such sequences can be generated
using copy, append and merge operations.
Lipton showed that using extract, merge and detect operations,
the satisfiability of an n-variable Boolean formula of
size s could be accomplished in O(s) operations
using tubes with O(2^n) molecules. Adding the append operation
allows testing the satisfiability of a size-s n-variable
Boolean circuit within the same bounds. Boneh, Dunworth &
Lipton showed that if the circuit represents a one-to-one function
f, then in O(s) steps a tube can be created containing
all strings of the form (x, fx(z)). To compute f^(-1)(y)
one need only extract the sequence ending in y and
then sequence it to determine x. This is the basis of
breaking DES.
Two harder operations to perform are intersect and complement.
Intersect takes two tubes and creates a new tube containing
the strings that were contained in both. Complement takes a tube
and creates a tube containing the strings that are not in the
first tube. If in addition either of these two operations is
allowed, then any problem solvable by a conventional computer
using a polynomial amount of storage can be solved in a polynomial
number of molecular steps.
The strength of DNA computing is its high parallelism. The weaknesses
are that the operations are slow and there is no communication
within the tube. It is a hard problem, for example, to determine
whether a tube contains two identical strands.
The limiting factor has been the volume of DNA that can be used.
It takes 0.5 gram of DNA to make 2^(56) strands each of length 1000.
To make 2^(70) strands of the same length takes 8 kilograms of DNA.
Bach and Condon have given an approach that reduces the number
of strands by building the potential solution strands progressively,
eliminating impossible solutions before they are fully constructed.
Another approach (not guaranteed to find the optimal solution)
is to generate only a sample of potential solution strands. Next
identify the best strands, discarding the rest, and mutate some
of the best strands. Then repeat.
Another limiting factor in DNA computing has been the problem
of errors during the extract operation. Karp, Kenyon & Waarts
have shown that to achieve separations with a desired error rate
of delta using an extract operation with an intrinsic error rate of
e requires and can be done with 0 (d'log~~J2) operations.
5 Conclusion and Recommendations
Near its conclusion, the workshop separated into two groups: one
consisting of those most interested in computational issues, the
other of those interested in biotechnology issues. In the final
plenary session of the workshop, each group presented its observations
and recommendations.
5.1 Issues of Interest to Computer Scientists
The computer science group prepared a long list of issues of interest
to them, organized into five major areas:
Policy Issues In terms of science policy, the main question
is what level of investment should be made in these technologies,
and in particular, which specific problems and areas are most
worth pursuing now. An important issue will be to determine milestones
in order to identify when the project is finished (either successfully
or not).
Long-Term Goals The first item on the list of long-term
goals toward which biomolecular research should aim is, of course,
the goal of solving a real-world problem better, either faster
or more economically, than conventional electronic computers.
Such a "killer application" does not seem to be achievable
in the immediate future, but the preliminary work in breaking
DES offers an example of a direction that might prove fruitful.
Another goal of the project should be the development of technologies
that will have uses in biotechnology other than just molecular
computing. Such spinoffs will be a very significant benefit of
this research. Other goals include obtaining a better understanding
of natural computation, i.e., characterizing more precisely
what computations are being performed within living cells, and
along with that using cells as components in computing systems.
Application Domains The application areas toward which
this technology should be targeted include, of course, virtually
all aspects of molecular biology. Specific applications where
effective molecular computing algorithms might be designed include
DNA sequencing, molecular synthesis, drug design and related biological
search problems. This research also will benefit the foundations
of computer science and the development of new models of computation
including those that occur naturally in living cells. Direct
applications in information storage and retrieval and the development
of new biochemical processes are also indicated.
Technical Issues The most pressing technical issues to
be pursued include:
5.2 Issues of Interest to Molecular Biologists
The biotechnology group identified the following areas of interest
for further investigation:
VA. Invited participants were:
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Institute of Technology
** Giga means 10^(9), tera means 10^(12), peta means 10 is. Flops are
floating-point operations per second.
Richard Watson, Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory, discussed future trends and needs in high-performance
mass storage systems. This arena has traditionally experienced a slower
improvement rate in device performance compared to semiconductor processors
and memories, and this trend is likely to continue in the future.
Thus the performance bottleneck in future systems is likely to
be input/output performance. Nevertheless, by the year 2000 systems
storing as much as 1 petabyte of data transferred at up to 100
megabytes/sec will be available.
Techniques More specific steps and techniques that would
aid the development of molecular computing include: