Division of Ocean Sciences - Spring 2001 Newsletter

Other Noteworthy News...

Division Sees 16.6% Growth in FY 2001 Budget

The FY 2001 Current Plan for the Division of Ocean Sciences is $257.93 million or a 16.6% increase over FY 2000. This represents the largest dollar increase the Division has ever received. Within this increase, funds are directed toward improving grant size and duration, meeting facility needs, and fully participating in the agency-wide priority areas for Biocomplexity in the Environment and Information Technology Research.

President’s FY 2002 Budget for NSF

The National Science Foundation has requested $4.47 billion for Fiscal Year 2002, $56.1million or 1.3% over FY 2001. The FY 2002 request for the Division of Ocean Sciences is $255.25 million, a decrease of $2.68 million, or 1.0% from the FY 2001 Current Plan. Details of the NSF budget request are available at https://www.nsf.gov/home/budget/. This request is presently being considered by the cognizant House and Senate Appropriations Committees.

Ocean Policy Commission Appointed

The Oceans Act, which became effective on January 20, 2001, establishes a Commission to make recommendations for a coordinated and comprehensive national ocean policy. The sixteen members of the Commission, twelve nominated by Congress and all appointed by the President , are Robert Ballard, Lillian Barrone, Ted Beattie, James Coleman, Ann D’Amato, Lawrence Dickerson, Paul Gaffney, Marc Hershman, Paul Kelly, Christopher Koch, Frank Muller-Karger, Ed Rasmuson, Andrew Rosenberg, William Ruckelshaus, Paul Sandifer, and James Watkins. For further details, go to http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2001/06/20010615-14.html.

Now Available!

Photo of Ocean Sciences at the New Mellennium Cover

Ocean Sciences at the New Millennium

Decadal Committee, Peter Brewer
and Ted Moore, co-chairs

For copies, please e-mail Shannon Hughes at shughes@nsf.gov or go to http://www.joss.ucar.edu/joss_psg/publications/decadal/.

Photo of Earth, Ocean and Life: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Initial Science Plan, 2003-21013 Cover

Earth, Oceans and Life: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Initial Science Plan, 2003-2013

The Initial Science Plan, and additional planning information on the program, is available at http://www.IODP.org/.