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List of Acronyms

AC - Advisory Committee
ACSI - American Customer Satisfaction Index
BFA - Office of Budget, Finance, and Award Management
BIO - Directorate for Biological Sciences
CFO - Chief Financial Officer
CIP - Construction in Progress
CISE - Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering
COV - Committee of Visitors
CSRS - Civil Service Retirement System
DOE - U.S. Department of Energy
DOL - U.S. Department of Labor
EFT - Electronic Fund Transfers
EHR - Directorate for Education and Human Resources
ENG - Directorate for Engineering
ESS - Employee Self Service
ETS - Electronic Travel System
FASAB - Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board
FECA - Federal Employees Compensation Act
FERS - Federal Employees Retirement System
FFMIA - Federal Financial Management Improvement Act of 1996
FFRDC - Federally Funded Research and Development Centers
FMFIA - Federal Managers’ Financial Integrity Act of 1982
FY - Fiscal Year
GAO - General Accounting Office
GEO - Directorate for Geosciences
GPRA - Government Performance and Results Act of 1993
GSA - General Services Administration
HHS U.S. - Department of Health and Human Services
IG - Inspector General
IGETS - Intra-Governmental Elimination Transaction Systems
IGOTS - Intra-Governmental Transfers System
IPA - Intergovernmental Personnel Act
IPAY - Integrated Payroll System
IT - Information Technology
K–12 - Kindergarten through Grade 12
MCC - Management Controls Committee
MPS - Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences
MRE - Major Research Equipment
NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NSB - National Science Board
NSF - National Science Foundation
OIRM - Office of Information and Resource Management
OMB - Office of Management and Budget
OPAC - On-line Payment and Collection
OPM - Office of Personnel Management
PAT - Program Announcement Template
PFI - Partnerships for Innovation
PI - Principal Investigators
PIMS - Program Information Management System
P.L. - Public Law
PP&E - Property, Plant, and Equipment
PwC - PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
R&RA - Research and Related Activities
SBE - Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences
S&E - Salaries and Expenses
SMET - Science, Mathematics, Engineering and Technology
SRS - Science Resource Studies
USAP - United States Antarctic Program
VSEE - Visiting Scientists, Engineers, and Educators
Y2K - Year 2000



We Welcome Your Comments!

Thank you for your interest in the National Science Foundation’s FY 2000 Accountability Report. We welcome your comments on how we can make this report a more informative document for our readers. Please send your comments to:

Donald G. McCrory
Deputy Chief Financial Officer
National Science Foundation
4201 Wilson Blvd., Suite 575
Arlington, Virginia 22230 (e-mail address)
703-292-9005 (fax number)

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