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This document has been archived and replaced by NSF 20-064.

NSF 11-070

Dear Colleague Letter: United States and Ireland

The United States, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland have recently renewed a unique partnership as a way of increasing the level of collaborative R&D among researchers across the jurisdictions that will generate innovation and lead to improvements in society. The agencies involved in this effort are: the National Science Foundation (U.S.), Science Foundation Ireland (Republic), Invest Northern Ireland (Northern), and the Department of Employment and Learning (Northern).

Our objective is to encourage the development and submission of transnational and collaborative research projects that address the exciting research challenges in the areas of nanotechnology, sensors, telecommunications, and energy and sustainability. These thematic areas have been identified initially as representing a unique opportunity in terms of research interests and reflect the potential for playing a meaningful role in research areas internationally recognized to be of pivotal significance for the 21st century.

Potential proposals generated as a result of this partnership should be submitted to relevant NSF programs in accordance with the program's proposal due date(s) and will be reviewed in accordance with the standard NSB-approved review criteria. No specific funding is set aside for this partnership.

The attached document describes plans for the preparation, receipt, and review of proposals, as well as the administrative processes in which the four agencies involved will cooperate in the monitoring and funding of successful proposals. The attachment can be accessed by clicking on the following link: Questions regarding this partnership should be directed to: Darren Dutterer, Staff Associate, Directorate for Engineering at:


Best Regards,


Thomas W. Peterson
Assistant Director
Directorate for Engineering