Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for NSF 18-549, Planning Grants for Engineering Research Centers (ERC)
Will the ERC full solicitation be released after the planning grants are awarded?
Does the planning grant need to include multiple institutions like a normal ERC grant would need?
Are there any targeted research areas of interest to the NSF in this solicitation?
Can an institution with a current ERC apply for a planning grant?
Are there any limits on the number of proposals per PI and Co-PI?
What is the anticipated start date of the planning grants for ERC?
Can I use either FastLane or for my proposal submission?
Will separately submitted collaborative proposals be accepted for this competition?
What is the goal of the ERC planning grants?
The Planning Grants for ERC solicitation is a mechanism for increasing capacity across the engineering academic community to develop ideas, facilitate team formation, and foster stakeholder community networks. As a result of planning grant activities, potential ERC teams should be better equipped to carry out center-scale convergent engineering research with large societal impact.
Will the ERC full solicitation be released after the planning grants are awarded?
It is anticipated that the solicitation for the next ERC competition will be released during the 2018 calendar year.
Do I need to complete the proposed planning grant activities before I can submit a proposal to the ERC competition?
No. The planning grant and the ERC competition are independent.
Will submitting or winning a planning grant for an ERC be a requirement for participating in the forthcoming ERC competition?
No. Submitting or receiving a planning grant for an ERC will not be a requirement for participating in the forthcoming ERC competition.
Must the original ERC planning-grant topic/title and team (PIs and co-PIs) be carried forward to an actual ERC proposal?
No. Participation in the planning grants program should not be construed as a proposal for the next ERC competition, and the information presented in a submitted planning grant will not limit in any way a future ERC proposal submission.
Does the planning grant need to include multiple institutions like a normal ERC grant would need?
No, there are no requirements for institutional composition.
Are there any targeted research areas of interest to the NSF in this solicitation?
No, there are no priority areas established for the planning grants. However, the ERC program is placing greater emphasis on research that leads to societal impact, including convergent approaches, engaging stakeholder communities, and strengthening team formation, in response to the NASEM study recommendations. The planning grant initiative is designed to foster and facilitate the engineering community's thinking about how to form convergent research collaborations.
In regard to PI eligibility stated in the solicitation as "Who May Serve as PI: Engineering faculty whose main appointment is in an engineering school/college." Does this eligibility apply to all the PIs and co-PIs in the proposal?
The stated eligibility requirement applies only to the PI. The co-PIs may or may not be affiliated with an engineering school/college.
Can an institution with a current ERC apply for a planning grant?
Yes. There are no restrictions on awarding planning grants to proposing institutions with currently active ERCs.
Are there any limits on the number of proposals per PI and Co-PI?
Yes. An individual may be listed as a PI or Co-PI on only one planning grant proposal.
Must the PI of a planning grant eventually be the PI of the proposed ERC, i.e. must the PI of the planning grant be from what will eventually be the ERC lead institution?
No. The planning grants are intended to build capacity in the engineering community for center-scale, convergent engineering research. To participate in the upcoming ERC competition, one is not required to submit a planning grant proposal or to receive a planning grant. Prospective Principal Investigators are encouraged to read the solicitation carefully for planning grant proposal submission requirements and the ERC program priorities.
If the planning grant requires several experts beyond the one PI and four Co-PIs, can the experts serve as senior personnel?
Yes. The proposals must comply with the current NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG).
What is the duration of a planning grant award?
The planning grant is for one year.
Are there any budget limitations for planning grants?
The proposed budget for each planning grant should not exceed $100,000.
What is the estimated number of awards?
The number of awards is dependent upon the proposals received and the degree to which proposals meet the solicitation goals, NSF merit review criteria, and solicitation-specific review criteria. The expected number of awards is 30 to 40.
What is the anticipated start date of the planning grants for ERC?
The anticipated start date of the planning grants is September 1, 2018.
Can I use either FastLane or for my proposal submission?
Yes. The option to use either FastLane or has been provided for this competition. The policy and procedural guidance contained in the NSF Application Guide should be followed when preparing and submitting proposals to NSF via
Will separately submitted collaborative proposals be accepted for this competition?
No, separately submitted collaborative proposals will not be accepted for this competition.
Is the submission deadline flexible?