Title : Use of 51Cr by S-035 Type : Antarctic EAM NSF Org: OD / OPP Date : September 02, 1992 File : opp93072 DIVISION OF POLAR PROGRAMS OFFICE OF THE ENVIRONMENT 202/357-7766 MEMORANDUM Date: September 2, 1992 From: Environmental Officer, DPP Subject: Environmental Action Memorandum (Approval / Use of 51Cr by S-035) To: Manager, Polar Biology and Medicine Program, DPP Associate Manager, Polar Biology and Medicine Program, DPP Manager, Science Projects, DPP Files (S.7.1 - Environment/Hazardous Waste) Earlier this year, S-035 proposed the use of the gamma-emitting radioisotope 51Cr during the 1992-1993 austral summer research season. The proposed research would take place at an isolated offshore sea ice hole near McMurdo Station. The Manager, Polar Biology and Medicine Program, DPP, raised concerns about, and sought advice on, the proposed use of this relatively energetic gamma-emitter. She requested further information from the Principal Investigator on the proposed use to allow evaluation by the Environmental Officer, DPP. The Principal Investigator provided a response on August 13, 1992. The Environmental Officer reviewed the response and believes that the Principal Investigator has described in an adequate manner: 1) the rationale for such use; 2) his consideration of alterna- tives; 3) the potential impact of any release of 51Cr to the environment; and 4) how wastes from the proposed study will be handled by the U.S. Antarctic Program (note from Attachment that seal carcasses would be disposed of at sea while all other radioactive waste would be retrograded from Antarctica). Finding 51Cr ia a relatively energetic gamma-emitter with a half-life of 27.8 days. The total dose to be used would be ~1.25 mCi. Accepted radioisotope technique recognizes that after approxi- mately 10 half-lives (~278 days), virtually all of any 51Cr released to the environment through carcass disposal would be decayed. The Environmental Officer believes that in light of the potential value of the proposed research such release is justifiable. Also, he believes that such release can be expected to have less than minor and less than transitory effects on the environment. The Environmental Officer authorizes the use of 51Cr as proposed by S-035. Sidney Draggan Attachment Zapol Letter of August 13, 1992, to Penhale cc: Warren M. Zapol, S-035