Lynnette Madsen

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Lynnette D. Madsen joined the National Science Foundation (NSF) as a Program Director in 2000. Her areas of expertise include education, materials, sustainability, clean energy, nanotechnology, manufacturing, and partnerships (internationally and with industry). Throughout most of her tenure at NSF, she has maintained an active independent research program. Previously, Dr. Madsen has served in EDU/DGE, EDU/EES, OD/OISE, OIRM/HRM and MPS/DMR. 

She received a B.A.Sc. (Elec. Eng.) and a B.A. (Psychology) from the University of Waterloo, an M.Eng. (Electronics) from Carleton University, and a Ph.D. (Materials Science) from McMaster University. Her accomplishments were recognized with a Professional Achievement Alumni Medal from the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Waterloo and an Alumni Gallery Award from McMaster University. She has 2 published books, 3 book chapters/sections, and more than 100 articles; been awarded 3 patents; and delivered more than 125 invited talks. She has worked in industry and academia, locally and/or abroad.

NSF has recognized her efforts with two Director Awards, more than a dozen Performance Awards and an Incentive Award for Timely Program Management. She received the 2020 Acta Materialia Hollomon Award for Materials and Society. Dr. Madsen is a Fellow of several professional societies as well as the Canadian Academy of Engineering. She has served as a panelist for the National Research Council at the National Academies, as a Trustee for American Vacuum Society (AVS), and on the Board of Directors for The American Ceramic Society (ACerS).

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