Table C-63. Federal obligations for basic research performed at universities and colleges, by detailed field of science and engineering: fiscal years 1993, 1994, and 1995 [Dollars in thousands] _____________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | Estimates Field of science and engineering | 1993 | _______________________________ | | | | | 1994 | 1995 | | | _____________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | Total, all fields .........................| 6,741,248 | 7,266,663 | 7,450,413 | | | Life sciences, total ........................| 3,741,014 | 4,040,486 | 4,174,811 Biological (excluding environmental) ......| 2,023,749 | 2,151,404 | 2,268,470 Environmental biology .....................| 108,217 | 151,249 | 124,933 Agricultural ..............................| 73,603 | 78,707 | 78,151 Medical ...................................| 1,458,735 | 1,575,210 | 1,616,195 Life sciences, n.e.c ......................| 76,710 | 83,916 | 87,062 | | | Psychology, total ...........................| 166,637 | 175,298 | 184,805 Biological aspects ........................| 12,932 | 12,866 | 15,023 Social aspects ............................| 12,961 | 12,898 | 13,577 Psychological sciences, n.e.c. ............| 140,744 | 149,534 | 156,205 | | | Physical sciences, total ....................| 941,646 | 1,011,613 | 1,045,060 Astronomy .................................| 110,478 | 135,858 | 132,463 Chemistry .................................| 300,161 | 314,770 | 338,567 Physics ...................................| 445,221 | 482,406 | 490,220 Physical sciences, n.e.c. .................| 85,786 | 78,579 | 83,810 | | | Environmental sciences, total ...............| 559,028 | 612,778 | 623,983 Atmospheric ...............................| 151,516 | 166,772 | 165,341 Geological ................................| 174,416 | 192,807 | 193,428 Oceanography ..............................| 144,592 | 154,420 | 160,735 Environmental sciences, n.e.c. ............| 88,504 | 98,779 | 104,479 | | | Mathematics & computer sciences, total ......| 352,025 | 378,716 | 391,170 Mathematics ...............................| 130,379 | 138,384 | 145,680 Computer sciences .........................| 217,363 | 234,842 | 239,751 Mathematics & computer sciences, n.e.c. ...| 4,283 | 5,490 | 5,739 | | | Engineering, total ..........................| 580,032 | 645,839 | 630,623 Aeronautical ..............................| 39,736 | 48,375 | 51,534 Astronautical .............................| 11,857 | 13,515 | 14,250 Chemical ..................................| 37,726 | 41,302 | 41,580 Civil .....................................| 26,206 | 27,774 | 28,732 | | | Electrical ................................| 146,438 | 181,391 | 141,360 Mechanical ................................| 99,182 | 107,969 | 114,971 Metallurgy & materials ....................| 127,803 | 136,574 | 144,257 Engineering, n.e.c. .......................| 91,084 | 88,939 | 93,939 | | | Social sciences, total ......................| 109,399 | 107,785 | 113,743 Anthropology ..............................| 6,416 | 7,035 | 8,066 Economics .................................| 22,570 | 23,461 | 23,543 Political science .........................| 3,878 | 4,119 | 4,617 Sociology .................................| 7,271 | 7,626 | 8,291 Social sciences, n.e.c. ...................| 69,264 | 65,544 | 69,226 | | | Other sciences, n.e.c. ......................| 291,467 | 294,148 | 286,218 | | | _____________________________________________________________________________________________ NOTES: Only the following six agencies are required to report to this section of the survey: the Departments of Agriculture, Defense, Energy, and Health and Human Services; the National Aeronautics and Space Administration; and the National Science Foundation. The basic research obligations of the six agencies included in this table represent approximately 99 percent of total Federal basic research obligations to universities and colleges in fiscal years 1993, 1994, and 1995. Only those agencies that had obligations in the variables represented by this table appear in the table. For a complete list of the Federal agencies that have been included in the Federal Funds Survey, refer to appendix A. KEY: n.e.c. = Not elsewhere classified SOURCE: National Science Foundation/SRS, Survey of Federal Funds for Research and Development: Fiscal Years 1993, 1994, and 1995