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Universe of robots

Long a fixture on the factory floor, co-robots will soon inspect infrastructure, deliver medicine inside our bodies and enable disabled individuals to walk using their minds. A synthesis of discoveries throughout the field will make incredible new robot applications part of our everyday lives.


NSF-funded robotics

Scientists and engineers are developing robots that can handle critical tasks -- from disaster recovery to caring for the elderly -- safely and with greater resilience than previous generations of intelligent machines.



Related Websites:

Robots today need motivation. Download our set of #GenerationR motivational posters to help.

The White House launched the NSF-led National Robotics Initiative on June 24, 2011, to develop robots that work with people to extend or augment human capabilities.

The research community's Robotics Virtual Organization shares A Roadmap for U.S. Robotics: From Internet to Robotics (2013), which outlines recent progress in robotics and identifies goals for the coming decade.

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