National Science Board Awards and Facilities (A&F) Teleconference (OPEN/CLOSED)
NSB teleconference
| Sunshine Act Meeting Notice | Basis for Closing | YouTube Link Day |
National Science Board Awards and Facilities (A&F) Teleconference (OPEN/CLOSED)
NSB teleconference
| Sunshine Act Meeting Notice | Basis for Closing | YouTube Link Day |
National Science Board Meeting
NSB Meeting
| Sunshine Act Meeting Notice | Basis for Closing | Agenda |
The NSB establishes the policies of the National Science Foundation and serves as advisor to Congress and the President. The Board approves major NSF awards, provides congressional testimony and issues statements relevant to the nation’s S&E enterprise.
NSB’s biennial report, Science and Engineering Indicators (Indicators), provides comprehensive, policy-neutral information on the nation’s S&E enterprise. In addition to the main report, the NSB produces a suite of related resources.
Each year, the NSB honors individuals and organizations with its prestigious Vannevar Bush and Public Service awards, recognizing remarkable contributions and public service in science and engineering.