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December 13, 2012

CAVE2 brings large-scale virtual reality to life.

CAVE2, the next-generation large-scale virtual-reality system that allow researchers to completely immerse themselves in the seamless 2D/3D environment of visual information.

Credit: Electronic Visualization Laboratory at the University of Illinois at Chicago

Imagine being larger than a molecule or standing on Mars.

The University of Illinois at Chicago, with help from the National Science Foundation, is bringing science to the big screen. Its called CAVE2, the next-generation large-scale virtual-reality system that allows researchers to completely immerse themselves in a seamless 2D/3D environment of visual information.

Beyond its ability of transporting to a cyberworld, researchers can call up related materials like diagrams, formulas or spreadsheets that make navigation trough complicated databases possible.

Bigger and better than the original, CAVE2 brings large-scale virtual reality to life.

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Related story: State-of-the-Art Virtual Reality System Is Key to Medical Discovery