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News Release 10-068

Through the Looking Glass: Scientists Peer into Antarctica's Past to See Future Climate

Researchers brave rough seas and dodge icebergs to retrieve sediment cores that tell tales of early climates

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Photo of the JOIDES Resolution encountering rough seas during the transit to Antarctica.

The JOIDES Resolution encounters rough seas during the transit to Antarctica.

Credit: John Beck, IODP/TAMU

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Photo of an iceberg passed by the JOIDES Resolution on its way to Wilkes Land, Antarctica.

The JOIDES Resolution passed many icebergs on its expedition to Wilkes Land, Antarctica.

Credit: Rob Dunbar and IODP

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Photo of ice observer Diego Mello and first mate Steve Bradley on the lookout for icebergs.

Dawn patrol: ice observer Diego Mello and first mate Steve Bradley on the lookout for icebergs.

Credit: John Beck, IODP/TAMU

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Photo of a lone Adelie penguin near the Antarctic coast.

Near the Antarctic coast, a lone Adelie penguin contemplates its next swim.

Credit: Rob Dunbar and IODP

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Photo of Adam Klaus, an IODP staff scientist, Carlota Escutia and Henk Brinkuis.

The expedition was led by Adam Klaus/IODP staff scientist; Carlota Escutia; and Henk Brinkuis.

Credit: John Beck, IODP/TAMU

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Photo of Travis Hayden taking measurements from a core section.

Travis Hayden of Western Michigan University takes measurements from a core section.

Credit: John Beck, IODP/TAMU

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Photo of Saiko Sugisaki preparing a core for sampling.

Saiko Sugisaki of Japan's Graduate University of Advanced Study prepares a core for sampling.

Credit: John Beck, IODP/TAMU

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