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REU Sites

REU Sites: Engineering

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REU Sites
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Boston University
Integrated Nanomanufacturing
Photonics Center
Boston, Massachusetts
Primary: Xin Zhang
(617) 358-2702
Secondary: Brenda Hugot
(617) 353-1910
Research Topics/Keywords: nanomaterials, nanotechnology, microelectronic, sensors, biomedical engineering, medical diagnostics, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, optics, photonics, materials science
Integrated NanomanufacturingAbstract of Award
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
REU Site: Research Experience for Undergraduates in UAV Technologies
Aerospace Engineering
Pomona, California
Primary: Subodh Bhandari
(909) 869-2612
Research Topics/Keywords: UAV Autonomy, Sense & Avoid, GPS-Denied Navigation, Multi UAV Coordination and Control, Flight Testing, System Identification, Intelligent Control, Flight Control Optimization, Modeling & Simulation
REU Site: Research Experience for Undergraduates in UAV TechnologiesAbstract of Award
Cofunded: Department of Defense (DoD), Engineering
Clemson University
REU Site: Solid-State Devices for Electronics, Photonics, and Magnetics Technology
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Clemson, South Carolina
Primary: William R. Harrell
(864) 656-5918
Secondary: Chad E. Sosolik
(864) 656-0310
Research Topics/Keywords: Electrical & Computer , and Bio-Engineering; Materials Science; Physics
REU Site: Solid-State Devices for Electronics, Photonics, and Magnetics TechnologyAbstract of Award
Cleveland, Ohio
Primary: Eric Schearer
(216) 687-6901
Research Topics/Keywords: wearable robotics, assistive technology, disability, neuroprostheses, prosthetics, gait studies, physiology, biomechanics
Comments: We welcome all applicants but especially encourage students with physical disabilities to apply.
RE@CSU – Rehabilitation Engineering at Cleveland State UniversityAbstract of Award
Golden, Colorado
Primary: Dr. Reza Hedayat
(303) 273-3401
Secondary: Dr. Gabriel Walton
(303) 384-2235
Research Topics/Keywords: Civil Engineering, Geological Engineering, Mining Engineering, Infrastructure Materials, Resilience and Sustainability, Data Analytics, Remote Sensing, Underground Infrastructure, Transportation
Comments: This collaborative REU site award to Colorado School of Mines, located in Golden, CO, Lehigh University, located in Bethlehem, PA, and California State University, Los Angeles, located in Los Angeles, CA focuses on Underground Infrastructure and hosts four students in each university per year.
REU site: Collaborative Research: Research Experience for Undergraduates in Underground InfrastructureAbstract of Award
Colorado State University
REU Site: Extreme Ultraviolet Laser Science and Technology
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Fort Collins, Colorado
Primary: Jorge Rocca
(970) 491-8371
Secondary: Steve Leone
(510) 643-5467
Research Topics/Keywords: Extreme UV soft x-rays,x-ray sources,ultrafast and high power lasers,nanoscale imaging,chemical and solid state carrier dynamics,four wave mixing,laser created plasmas,intense laser matter interaction
Comments: Internships available at both Colorado State University in Fort Collins, CO and at the University of California at Berkeley in Berkeley, CA. Applications for Summer 2020 internships will be accepted beginning 15 December 2019.
REU Site: Extreme Ultraviolet Laser Science and TechnologyAbstract of Award
Colorado State University
Airborne Connections: From Emission Source to Impact to Solution
Mechanical Engineering +
Fort Collins, Colorado
Primary: Amanda Lager-Gleason
(970) 491-0924
Secondary: Tami Bond
(970) 491-4105
Research Topics/Keywords: Emissions, Air Quality, Sensors, Robotics, Health Impacts, Climate Impacts, Indoor Environment
Comments: This multidisciplinary site is open to both engineering and non-engineering majors, and emphasizes connections among projects and societal relevance.
Airborne Connections: From Emission Source to Impact to SolutionAbstract of Award
Ithaca, New York
Primary: Melanie - Claire Mallison
(607) 254-4858
Research Topics/Keywords: National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure (NNCI)
REU Site: Cornell NanoScale Science & Technology Facility (CNF)Abstract of Award
Drexel University
Smart Manufacturing Research Experiences for Undergraduates (SMREU)
Chemical and Biological Engineering
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Primary: Masoud Soroush
(215) 895-1710
Secondary: Maureen H. Tang
(215) 571-4092
Research Topics/Keywords: Smart mfg, multiscale modeling, machine learning, AI, data analytics, internet of things, optimization, control, monitoring, process safety, materials and process design, chemical engineering
Smart Manufacturing Research Experiences for Undergraduates (SMREU)Abstract of Award
Greenville, North Carolina
Primary: Stephaine George
(252) 737-2826
Secondary: Zachary Domire
(252) 737-4564
Research Topics/Keywords: Biomedical Engineering, Bioengineering, Biomechanics, Motor Control, Biomaterials, Stimulation, Imaging, Virtual/Augmented Reality, Modeling, Computational Modeling, Leadership, Communication Skills
Comments: Collaborative program across four colleges and six departments including engineering, kinesiology, Physical therapy, and Physics. BME-SIM welcomes both community college students and undergraduate students in all STEM majors. The BME-SIM program seeks to foster an environment where all students can be their authentic self and both learning and living occurs in an atmosphere of mutual respect in pu
Biomedical Engineering in Stimulations, Imaging, and Modeling (BME-SIM)Abstract of Award
Florida International University
Preparing RF Engineers for Communication, Imaging and Sensing (PRECISE)
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Miami, Florida
Primary: Nezih Pala
(305) 348-3016
Research Topics/Keywords: Radio frequency (RF) technologies in microwave, millimeter-wave and terahertz frequencies. Wireless communication, sensing and imaging; radar.
Preparing RF Engineers for Communication, Imaging and Sensing (PRECISE)Abstract of Award
Durango, Colorado
Primary: Megan Paciaroni
(970) 274-6753
Secondary: Marnie S. Clay
(970) 247-7071
Research Topics/Keywords: undergraduate research, mentoring, energy, propulsion, combustion, laser diagnostics, nuclear reactors, molecular energy transfer, liquid phase molecular dynamics, environment, ecology
REU Site: Enriching the Undergraduate Research Experience for Native American StudentsAbstract of Award
Georgia Institute of Technology, NNCI Coordinating Office
National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure (11 sites)
Primary: Nancy Healy
(404) 385-4307
Secondary: Leslie O'Neill
(404) 385-7203
Research Topics/Keywords: Nanotechnology, nanoscale science and engineering
Comments: Eleven of the 16 sites of the NNCI have a summer REU program. The focus at each site varies but involves nanoscale science and engineering. The URL will take you to a central location where you can
Atlanta, Georgia
Primary: Aaron Levine
Secondary: Erin Bryant
(404) 894-2645
Research Topics/Keywords: cell manufacturing, biomedical engineering, biosciences, biomanufacturing, therapeutic cells
Cell Manufacturing Technologies (CMaT) Research Experience for UndergraduatesAbstract of Award
Georgia Institute of Technology
REU Site: Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE)-Robotics
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Atlanta, Georgia
Primary: Dr. Leyla Conrad
(404) 385-0439
Secondary: Prof. Ayanna Howard
(404) 385-6450
Research Topics/Keywords: robotics, interactive computing, biomechanics, bio robotics, assistive robotics, healthcare robotics
REU Site: Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE)-RoboticsAbstract of Award
Georgia Southern University Research and Service Foundation
REU Site: Propulsion, Aerodynamics, Materials and Controls of Aerial Vehicles
Mechanical Engineering
Statesboro, Georgia
Primary: Dr. Valentin Soloiu, Professor
(912) 478-2293
Secondary: Dr. Mosfequr Rahman, Assoc.-Professor
(912) 478-5004
Research Topics/Keywords: Blade-vortex interaction,Synthetic jets,Negative Temp.,Coefficient Region,Double Winglet Aerodyn.,Thermo-acoustic instabilities, Human-UAV interaction, Ballistic impact on anisotropic mtls
REU Site: Propulsion, Aerodynamics, Materials and Controls of Aerial VehiclesAbstract of Award
Bedford Park, Illinois
Primary: Kathiravan Krishnamurthy
(708) 563-8272
Secondary: Satish Parulekar
(312) 567-3044
Research Topics/Keywords: food safety, food engineering, nutrition, food science and technology
REU Site: An Interdisciplinary Research Experience for Undergraduates in Food Safety, Food Engineering, and NutritionAbstract of Award
Indianapolis, Indiana
Primary: Dr. Mangilal Agarwal
(317) 278-9792
Secondary: Dr. Rajesh Sardar
(317) 278-2511
Research Topics/Keywords: Nanomtls, Nanofab, Future Mfg, Nanobiosensors, Batteries, Fuel Cells, Nanofluidics, Paper-based Analytical Devices, Phase Change Magnetic Nanomaterials, Biomaterials, Machine Learning
REU Site: Multidisciplinary Research for Undergraduates in Nanomaterials for Energy and Biological ApplicationsAbstract of Award
Ames, Iowa
Primary: Ms. Hallie Golay
(515) 294-0838
Secondary: Sriram Sundararajan
Research Topics/Keywords: sensors, nanomaterials, advanced manufacturing, smart materials, renewable energy, reliability, machine learning, medical diagnostics, food security, engineering
REU Site: Research and Education in Multiscale Sensing and ImagingAbstract of Award
Ames, Iowa
Primary: Benjamin Ahn
(515) 294-6491
Research Topics/Keywords: Unmanned Aerial Systems(UAS),System Health Mgmt. of UAS,Dynamic Geofencing,UAS Swarm Behavior,UAS Apps.(Sensors,Inductive Charging System,Spray System),UAS Impact(ethics, safety societal, environ.)
REU Site: Launching Aerospace's Underrepresented Students into the Next Chapter-Unmanned Aerial Systems (LAUNCH-UAS)Abstract of Award
Cofunded: Department of Defense (DoD)
Iowa State University
Biological Materials and Processes (BioMaP)
Chemical and Biological Engineering
Ames, Iowa
Primary: Monica Lamm
(515) 294-6533
Secondary: Ian Schneider
(515) 294-0450
Research Topics/Keywords: chemical engineering, biomedical engineering, biotechnology, biomaterials, biorenewables, engineering
Biological Materials and Processes (BioMaP)Abstract of Award
Baltimore, Maryland
Primary: Ralph Etienne-Cummings
(410) 516-3494
Secondary: Muyinatu Bell
(410) 516-7854
Research Topics/Keywords: Mechanical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Computer Science
Computational Sensing & Medical Robotics REUAbstract of Award
Johns Hopkins University
REU Site: Program in Nanotechnology for Biology and Bioengineering
Institute for NanoBioTechnology
Baltimore, Maryland
Primary: Denis Wirtz
(410) 516-7006
Secondary: Efrosini Kokkoli
(410) 516-1302
Research Topics/Keywords: Engineering, Biosciences, Cancer, Drug Delivery, Stem Cells, Regenerative Engineering, Diagnostic Tools, Nanotechnology, Nanobiotechnology, Computational, Immunotherapy, Tissue Repair, Biomedical
Comments: Contact: Sulaiman Jenkins, , (410) 516-5010
REU Site: Program in Nanotechnology for Biology and BioengineeringAbstract of Award
Cofunded: Chemistry, Engineering
Kent State University
Research Experience for Undergraduates in Robotics and Autonomous Systems
College of Aeronautics and Engineering
Kent, Ohio
Primary: Xuhui (Tracy) Chen
(330) 672-0896
Secondary: Jill Garst
(330) 672-2811
Research Topics/Keywords: Robotics, Autonomous Systems, Aviation, Fuel Cell, Network, Cybersecurity
Research Experience for Undergraduates in Robotics and Autonomous SystemsAbstract of Award
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Primary: Michael Benton
(225) 578-1426
Secondary: Adam Melvin
(225) 578-3062
Research Topics/Keywords: entrepreneurship,energy storage,catalysis,biofuels,biocatalysis,photocatalysis,biomaterials,soft matter,genetic engineering,protein eng.,bioengineering systems biology,polymers
REU Site: Developing entrepreneurs in energy storage, catalysis, and biofuelsAbstract of Award
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Primary: Cristinel Ababei
(414) 288-5720
Secondary: Majeed Hayat
(414) 288-6820
Research Topics/Keywords: environment monitoring, water, air, drone design, wireless communications, machine learning based analytics
REU Site: Hardware, Embedded Software, and Analytics for Environment Quality MonitoringAbstract of Award
Massachusetts General Hospital
REU Site: Wellman-HST Summer Institute for Biomedical Optics
Wellman Center for Photomedicine
Boston, Massachusetts
Primary: Walfre Franco
(617) 724-6083
Research Topics/Keywords: Biophotonics, Biomedical Engineering, Implantable and Wearable Photonic Devices, Optical Imaging, Optical Biomechanics, Nanotechnologies for Light Therapy and Diagnostics
REU Site: Wellman-HST Summer Institute for Biomedical OpticsAbstract of Award
Michigan State University
REU Site: Sociomobility
Engineering and Social Science
East Lansing, Michigan
Primary: Peter T. Savolainen
(517) 432-1825
Secondary: Eva Kassens-Noor
(517) 432-8085
Research Topics/Keywords: mobility, engineering, urban planning, social science, autonomous vehicles, automated, politics, law, economics, equity, accessibility, public health, safety, workforce development, environment
REU Site: SociomobilityAbstract of Award
Montana State University
Oberving our World with Light and Sound
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Bozeman, Montana
Primary: Kevin Repasky
(406) 994-6082
Secondary: Wataru Nakagawa
(406) 994-5956
Research Topics/Keywords: Optics, acoustics, bioengineering, computer engineering, signal processing, remote sensing, sensors
Oberving our World with Light and SoundAbstract of Award
Montana State University
REU Site: Observing our world with light and sound
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Bozeman, Montana, Montana
Primary: Dr. Kevin Repasky
(406) 994-6082
Secondary: Dr. Wataru Nakagawa
(406) 994-5956
Research Topics/Keywords: Optics,Photonics,Imaging,Remote Sensing,Optical Mtls,Acoustics, Soundscapes, Microfab, Nano-Optics, Nanotech., MEMS,Machine Learning,Image Processing,Biomedical Optics,Renewable Energy
REU Site: Observing our world with light and soundAbstract of Award
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