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REU Sites

REU Sites: Engineering

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REU Sites
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Montana State University
REU Site: Exploring the Limits of Life - Understanding Biofilms in Extreme Environments
Thermal Biology Institute + Center for Biofilm Engineering
Bozeman, Montana
Primary: Brent Peyton
(406) 994-7419
Secondary: Dana Skorupa
(262) 358-0510
Research Topics/Keywords: Extremophile, Yellowstone, bioengineering, microbiology, biofilm
REU Site: Exploring the Limits of Life - Understanding Biofilms in Extreme EnvironmentsAbstract of Award
Baltimore, Maryland
Primary: Kofi Nyarko
(443) 885-3476
Secondary: Michel Reece
(443) 885-4732
Research Topics/Keywords: Internet of Things,Hardware Security,Visible Light Communication,Microgrid,Photovoltaics,Battery storage,Bio-gas Production,Nanotechnology,Wearable Sensors,Smartphone Apps,Human-Machine Interaction
REU Site:Research Experiences for Undergraduates and Teachers in Smart and Connected CitiesAbstract of Award
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (New Mexico Tech)
Intelligent Energetic Systems Engineering (INTENSE) REU
Mechanical Engineering
Socorro, New Mexico
Primary: Dr. Michael Hargather
(575) 835-5326
Secondary: Dr. David Grow
(575) 835-5109
Research Topics/Keywords: Energetic materials, robotics, mechanical engineering, shock waves, compressible flow, haptics, smart materials, impact dynamics, shock physics, high speed, propulsion, explosive engineering
Intelligent Energetic Systems Engineering (INTENSE) REUAbstract of Award
Raleigh, North Carolina
Primary: Dr. Mehmet Ozturk
Secondary: Dr. Elena Veety
Boston, Massachusetts
Primary: Claire Duggan
(617) 373-2036
Secondary: Brad Lehman
(617) 373-3052
Research Topics/Keywords: Research, undergraduate, energy, renewable energy, power solar, wind, storage, smart grid
REU Site: REU-POWER-"Pathways Opening World Energy Resources"Abstract of Award
Evanston, Illinois
Primary: Chad Goeser
(847) 467-2318
Research Topics/Keywords: Materials science, biomedical engineering, nanotechnology, soft hybrid materials, renewable energy materials, imaging, materials characterization, materials applications, microelectronics, sensors,
Comments: SHyNE research projects provide significant hands-on experience with state-of-the-art nanoscale fabrication tools and characterization instruments.
SHyNE Resource: Research for Undergraduates Program (REU)Abstract of Award
Evanston, Illinois
Primary: Danielle Tullman-Ercek
(847) 491-7043
Secondary: Gabriel Rocklin
(312) 503-4226
Research Topics/Keywords: biosciences, synthetic biology, bioengineering, microbiology, biochemistry, metabolic engineering, applied mathematics
Comments: Contact for information
REU Site: Synthetic Biology at Northwestern: From Molecules to Society (SynBREU2.0)Abstract of Award
Cofunded: Engineering
Rochester, Michigan
Primary: Laila Guessous
(248) 370-2183
Secondary: Dan DelVescovo
(248) 370-4590
Research Topics/Keywords: Automotive engineering, energy, renewable energy, propulsion, combustion, electric vehicles, fuels, materials, manufacturing, experiments, simulations, mechanical engineering
Comments: Open to engineering and non-engineering majors. No prior automotive or research experience required.
Automotive and Energy Research and Industrial Mentorship (AERIM) REUAbstract of Award
Oakland University
REU Site: Applied Research Experience in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ApREECE)
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Rochester, Michigan
Primary: Brian Dean
(248) 370-2822
Secondary: Osamah Rawashdeh
(248) 370-2866
Research Topics/Keywords: Unmanned Vehicles, Robotics, Signal Processing, Biomedical Instrumentation, Image Processing, Power Systems, Computer Architecture, GPU Computing, Systems and Controls
REU Site: Applied Research Experience in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ApREECE)Abstract of Award
Ohio State University
Biomedical Engineering
Columbus, Ohio
Primary: Gunjan Agarwal
(614) 292-4213
Secondary: Keith Gooch
(614) 292-2665
Research Topics/Keywords: Biomechanics, Mechanobiology, Bioengineering, Molecules, Cells, Tissues, Experimental, Computational
Comments: Contact information will be updated in 2024
BUCKEYE REUAbstract of Award
Stillwater, Oklahoma
Primary: Dr. Joe Cecil
(405) 744-5682
Research Topics/Keywords: Information Centric Engineering, 3D Digital Twins, Extended (Virtual/Mixed) modeling, Human-Computer Interaction,, Cyber-Physical Systems/IoT in Smart Health, Cyber Manufacturing and Space Systems
Comments: This is a multidisciplinary REU Site award spanning computer science, mechanical/electrical/industrial engineering with an emphasis on Information Centric Engineering (including 3D Digital Twin design, Virtual/Mixed Reality modeling in smart health, space systems and advanced manufacturing)
Research Experiences in Information Centric Engineering for Emerging Process DomainsAbstract of Award
Oklahoma State University
REU Site: Research Experiences in information Centric Engineering (ICE)
Industrials Engineering
Stillwater, Oklahoma
Primary: J. Cecil
(405) 744-9131
Research Topics/Keywords: Industrial/Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
REU Site: Research Experiences in information Centric Engineering (ICE)Abstract of Award
Oregon State University
REU Site: Engineering for Bouncing Back
College of Engineering
Corvallis, Oregon
Primary: Dr. Meghna Babbar-Sebens
(541) 737-8536
Research Topics/Keywords: Resilience, Adaptation, Natural and Anthropogenic Hazards, Climate Change, Infrastructure, Natural Resources, Community Systems Thinking
REU Site: Engineering for Bouncing BackAbstract of Award
Pennsylvania State University
REU Site: Scalable Nanomanufacturing of Complex Materials REU Program
Materials Research Institute/Nanofabrication Facility and 2D Crystal Consortium
University Park, Pennsylvania
Primary: Kathleen Gehoski
(814) 865-7443
Secondary: Ronald Redwing
Research Topics/Keywords: 2D materials, nanofabrication, complex materials, next generation electronics, piezoelectrics, wearable devices, internet of things, adjustable optics
REU Site: Scalable Nanomanufacturing of Complex Materials REU ProgramAbstract of Award
Pennsylvania State University
Penn State Low-Carbon Power and Propulsion REU
College of Engineering
University Park, Pennsylvania
Primary: Peter Miraldi
Secondary: Jacqueline O’Connor
Research Topics/Keywords: energy, power generation, propulsion, aviation, gas turbine, low-carbon, mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering
Penn State Low-Carbon Power and Propulsion REUAbstract of Award
Glassboro, New Jersey
Primary: Mary Staehle, Ph.D
(856) 256-5338
Secondary: Mark Byrne, Ph.D
(856) 256-5773
Research Topics/Keywords: Biomedical Engineering,Biomaterials Engineering,Bionanotechnology,Medical Devices,Pharmaceutical Engineering&Therapeutics,Nanomanufacturing, Regenerative Medicine,Transcriptomics,Mechanobiology
REU Site: Biomedical Materials, Devices, Therapeutics, and Emerging FrontiersAbstract of Award
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
REU Site: Cellular Bioengineering --From Biomaterials to Stem Cells
Biomedical Engineering/School of Engineering
Piscataway, New Jersey
Primary: David I. Shreiber
(848) 445-6589
Secondary: Linda Johnson
(848) 445-6869
Research Topics/Keywords: tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, drug delivery, imaging, translational research, innovation, entrepreneurship, MEMS, biomaterials, stem cells, bioengineering, biomedical engineering
REU Site: Cellular Bioengineering --From Biomaterials to Stem CellsAbstract of Award
San Francisco, California
Primary: Zhaoshuo Jiang
(415) 338-7741
Secondary: Juan M. Caicedo
(803) 777-1925
Research Topics/Keywords: Civil Engineering, Smart Structure Technology, Academia-Industry Collaboration, Structural Control, Structural Health Monitoring, Smart Sensing, Optimization, Innovative Experimental Methods
REU Site: Collaborative Research: Integrated Academia-Industry Research Experience for Undergraduate in Smart Structure TechnologyAbstract of Award
South Dakota School of Mines & Technology
REU Site: Bringing Us Together, Improving communications and Lives
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Rapid city, South Dakota
Primary: Thomas P. Montoya
(605) 394-2459
Research Topics/Keywords: Electrical and computer Engineering
REU Site: Bringing Us Together, Improving communications and LivesAbstract of Award
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
Collaborative Research: REU Site: Security Printing and Anti-Counterfeiting Technology
Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Department
Rapid City, South Dakota
Primary: Grant Crawford
(605) 394-5133
Secondary: Jon Kellar
(605) 394-2343
Research Topics/Keywords: anti-counterfeiting,nanomaterials,materials science&engineering,chemistry,operations engineering,social/behavior science,mathematics and computer science,security printing,ink formulation.
Collaborative Research: REU Site: Security Printing and Anti-Counterfeiting TechnologyAbstract of Award
South Dakota State University
Collaborative Research: REU Site: Security Printing and Anti-Counterfeiting Technology
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Brookings, South Dakota
Primary: Brian Logue
(605) 688-6698
Secondary: Grant Crawford
(605) 394-5133
Research Topics/Keywords: Anti-counterfeiting,nanomaterials,materials science&engineering,chemistry,operations engineering,social/behavior science,mathematics and computer science,security printing,ink formulation.
Collaborative Research: REU Site: Security Printing and Anti-Counterfeiting TechnologyAbstract of Award
Buffalo, New York
Primary: Dr. T. Sabanayagam
(716) 645-2114
Research Topics/Keywords: Earthquake; Structural, Geotechnical, Electrical and Computer Engineering; GIS Applications; Hazard Related Economics and Social Sciences
Comments: REU/ERC
State University of New York at Buffalo
Environmental Engineering Solutions for Pollution Prevention
Civil, Structural , and Environmental Engineering
Buffalo, New York
Primary: John D. Atkinson
(716) 645-4001
Research Topics/Keywords: Environmental Engineering, Environmental Science, Chemical Engineering, Sustainability, Pollution Prevention, Air Pollution, Water Pollution
Environmental Engineering Solutions for Pollution PreventionAbstract of Award
State University of New York at Buffalo
Environmental Engineering Solutions for Pollution Prevention (EESPP)
Environmental Engineering
Buffalo, New York
Primary: Dr. John D. Atkinson
(716) 645-4001
Secondary: Dr. Alan Rabideau
(716) 645-4003
Research Topics/Keywords: Environmental Engineering, Sustainability, Pollution, Remediation, Water Treatment, Air Pollution, Water Pollution, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Biology, Geology, Great Lakes, Interdisciplinary
Environmental Engineering Solutions for Pollution Prevention (EESPP)Abstract of Award
SUNY at Stony Brook
REU Site for Nanotechnology in Health, Energy and the Environment
Materials Science and Engineering
Stoney Brook, New York
Primary: Gary P. Halada
(631) 632-8526
Research Topics/Keywords: Engineering Sub-field: Nanotechnology
REU Site for Nanotechnology in Health, Energy and the EnvironmentAbstract of Award
Tennessee Tech University
Manufacturing and Techno-Entrepreneurship
College of Engineering
Cookeville, Tennessee
Primary: Joe Rencis
(931) 372-3172
Secondary: Michelle Davis
(931) 372-6386
Research Topics/Keywords: Manufacturing, Entrepreneurship, Techno-entrepreneurship, Engineering, Robotics, Additive, 3D Printing, Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical
Manufacturing and Techno-EntrepreneurshipAbstract of Award
Tennessee Tech University
REU Site: Immersive Research in Energy Generation, Storage/Conversion and Power Transmission
Electrical Engineering,Chemical Engineering,Mechanical Engineering,Physics and Chemistry
Cookeville, Tennessee
Primary: Indranil Bhattacharya
(931) 372-3352
Secondary: Joseph Biernacki
(931) 372-3367
Research Topics/Keywords: Solar Cells,Biomass Pyrolysis,Fuel Cells,Lithium-ion Batteries,Piezoelectric Energy,Solar Thermal,Vehicle to Grid Integration,Photovoltaic Engineering and Maximum Power Point Tracking.
REU Site: Immersive Research in Energy Generation, Storage/Conversion and Power TransmissionAbstract of Award
College Station, Texas
Primary: Dr. Jacques C. Richard
(979) 574-3907
Research Topics/Keywords: UAV, Plasma modeling, Autonomous Control of Flapping Fin Dirigible, Pulsed Hypersonic Expansion Facility, Turbulent Wedges from Roughness Elements
Comments: Keywords (continued) Detailed Chemistry Computations Of Supersonic Reacting Flow
REU Site: Aerospace Engineering Research Opportunities for Undergraduates (AEERO-U)Abstract of Award
Texas A&M University
REU Site: Interdisciplinary Reesarch Experiences in Metrology & Non-Destructive Inspection
Manufacturing & Mechanical Engg. Tech., Materials Science & Engg.
College Station, Texas
Primary: Dr. Mathew Kuttolamadom
(979) 862-8472
Secondary: Dr. Jyhwen Wang
(979) 845-4903
Research Topics/Keywords: Non-Destructive Inspection, Manufacturing, Materials Science & Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Civil Engineering, Industrial & Systems Engineering
REU Site: Interdisciplinary Reesarch Experiences in Metrology & Non-Destructive InspectionAbstract of Award
Texas A&M University
REU Site: Undergraduate Research in Energy and Propulsion
College of Engineering
College Station, Texas
Primary: Dr. Eric Petersen
(979) 845-1257
Research Topics/Keywords: energy, propulsion, combustion, fluid mechanics, materials science, thermodynamics, laser diagnostics, mechanical engineering
Comments: Keywords (continued) aerospace engineering, turbomachinery, gas turbines, rockets, energy storage
REU Site: Undergraduate Research in Energy and PropulsionAbstract of Award
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