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September 18, 2008

Video showing a day in the life of Taranjit Kaur conducting research in Tanzania.

Taranjit Kaur studies wild chimpanzees at Mahale Mountains National Park, a remote forest in western Tanzania. She has developed a software program to collect data on chimpanzee health. She has recently discovered that a human-related metapneumovirus that has caused morbidity and mortality in the chimpanzees she studies. Kaur aims to determine how the chimpanzees contracted the virus and from where the virus came. This video shows a day in the life of Kaur, revealing--without dialog--the experience of conducting research in the remote jungles of Tanzania.

Credit: Taranjit Kaur, Bush-to-Base Bioinformatics Laboratory

Background throughout video: Birds singing
1:42-2:10 Sound of sample bottles placed in a bag
2:11-2:14 Dr. Kaur greets guide in African language
2:20-2:54 Footsteps
2:55-3:45 Guide sings in African language, footsteps
3:35-3:51 Machete cutting leaves
3:46-3:56 Dr. Kaur and guide speak in African language
4:11-5:13 Footsteps
5:14-5:31 Chimps vocalizing
5:32-7:38 Footsteps
8:43-8:50 Branches and leaves rustling
8:51-9:25 Footsteps
9:42-10:09 Footsteps
10:16-10:25 Chimp vocalization
11:16-11:30 Footsteps
11:31-13:02 Removing plastic containers and spatula from container and opening and closing the plastic containers
13:03-14:22 Waterfall and water flowing over rocks
14:23-14:29 Footsteps
14:50-14:54 Door opens
14:55-15:24 Containers and bags removed from pack
15:25-15:27 Footsteps
15:37-15:45 PDA removed from pack
16:01-16:15 Waves lapping on shore

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Related story: Researcher Walks Among Dying Baby Chimps