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SciSIPBIO: a partnership between the Science of Science program and the NIH

February 27, 2020

SCISIPBIO: A partnership between the Science of Science program and the NIH

In February 2019, NSF’s Social, Behavioral and Economics Sciences (SBE) directorate issued a joint solicitation with NIH’s National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) called the Science of Science Policy Approach to Analyzing and Innovating the Biomedical Research Enterprise (SCISIPBIO). This program supports a portfolio of high-quality research which provides scientific analyses of important aspects of the biomedical research enterprise and efforts to foster a diverse, innovative, productive and efficient scientific workforce. Since the initial solicitation, the program has funded four projects that investigate: 1) frameworks for measuring data-intensive biomedical research; 2) collaborative teams in clinical and translational science; 3) evidence-based toolkits for improving diversity in the physician-scientist workforce; and 4) financing the biomedical research enterprise.

Now, this program is run through the Science of Science: Discovery, Communication, and Impact (SoS:DCI) program (previously the Science of Science and Innovation Policy program (SciSIP)). The program will consider proposals that are received by March 17, 2020 for potential spring funding. Prospective investigators are encouraged to visit the program solicitation: NSF 19-547 for more details. For questions or inquiries, please email the cognizant program officer. For a detailed look at previously awarded SCISIPBIO grants, please visit: NSF Award Search or NIH Research Portfolio.

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