The Center for Land Surface Hazards (CLaSH) Catalyst challenge is the understanding of interconnections between hazards that can greatly magnify their effects – such as earthquakes that trigger land sliding, river alluviation, damming and later flooding, or storms that follow wildfire and trigger debris flows and floods. Pilot projects in 2023 include a 2-part modeling expo, a summer student field short course, a community workshop, a research gap analysis and whitepaper, and a scenario exercise with project partners from a wide range of organizations.
The Center for Collective Impact in Earthquake Science (C‐CIES) supports researchers to investigate critical science, engineering, and social science questions focused on high-impact, low-probability hazards and to engage with communities to build resilience. C-CIES provides resources to support and connect scientists and communities to reach shared goals of geohazard mitigation. Pilot projects provide support and connect scientists and communities to reach shared goals of geohazard mitigation through a collective impact framework to manage and project evaluation.
The Center for Converging on Eruption Science with Equity (CONVERSE) purpose is to enable, organize and focus on enhanced collaboration of US academic researchers, USGS, NASA, the Smithsonian and foreign entities involved in volcano science. The center’s goal is to increase diversity of researchers able to respond, gather and analyze data from volcanic eruptions to improve their understanding with the aim to produce improved future eruption forecasts.
The Collaborative Center for Landslides Geohazards efforts are aimed at improving predictions and understanding of landslides and related impacts by combining observations and focused field efforts with advanced modeling. Upcoming virtual workshops are aimed at discussing research, engagement with vulnerable communities and workforce development.
Critical Minerals Stakeholder Meeting of Experts - National Academies Keck Center, May 2, 2023
Achievement of a clean energy future for the planet relies heavily on the availability of vast quantities of critical elements, necessitating major advances in prospecting, extraction, purification, manufacturing, recycling, and reuse, while retaining a focus on environmental stewardship. On request from EAR, the National Academies organized a meeting of experts at the Academies Keck Center on May 2 to identify potentially fruitful partnerships between agencies, academia, and industry, and brainstorm on priority gaps in the critical mineral research ecosystem. The roundtable discussion included presentations and participation by representatives from NSF (GEO/EAR, ENG/CBET, TIP), DOE (FEMC, EERE, ARPA-E), USGS (Marine Minerals, NMIC, MRP, GMEG), BHP, MH Technology, the University of Arizona, Colorado School of Mines, and the University of Nevada – Las Vegas. Workforce development was identified as a critical issue across the whole critical-minerals ecosystem. Also, the group felt that greater coordination is needed across funding agencies and integration of government, industry, and academic sectors nationally and internationally to address priorities for evolution to a clean energy future for the planet. Participants felt that the cross-fertilization of information and ideas was very valuable and expressed interest in further meetings focused on specific high-priority areas that require a coordinated approach.
CUAHSI Biennial Colloquium – Save the Date! June 11-14, 2023, Granlibakken Resort, Tahoe City, CA The Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc (CUAHSI) is hosting its Biennial Colloquium June 11-14, 2023, in Tahoe City, CA. The event is focused on developments in the hydrology sector of the Earth Sciences and offers a unique opportunity and a casual environment for participants to discuss ideas and interact with colleagues from different disciplinary fields from all over the country. Students, early-career researchers and people from underrepresented groups and institutions are especially encouraged to attend! CUAHSI is currently accepting proposals for workshops and breakout sessions (see website). Registration information will be available soon on their website.