Name Changes for Two Chemistry Division Disciplinary Research Programs

April 16, 2024

To reflect more clearly the funding portfolio and research programs of the U.S. National Science Foundation’s Division of Chemistry (CHE), two of the division's disciplinary research programs are being renamed:

  • Chemical Structure, Dynamics and Mechanisms-A (CSDM-A) is now Chemical Structure and Dynamics (CSD). The CSD program continuously supports experimental and applied computational physical chemistry research on the nature of chemical structure, electronic structure and chemical dynamics.

  • Chemical Structure, Dynamics and Mechanisms-B (CSDM-B) is now Chemical Mechanism, Function and Properties (CMFP). The CMFP program continuously supports physical organic and physical inorganic chemistry research on the nature of chemical mechanism, function and chemical structure property studies.

The topic areas covered by the two programs and the managing staff members remain unchanged.

For questions, please contact Dr. John Papanikolas regarding Chemical Structure and Dynamics (CSD) or Dr. Tingyu Li for questions regarding Chemical Mechanism, Function and Properties (CMFP).

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