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Survey of Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science and Engineering: Fall 2020

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Statistical Reports on U.S. Science 
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Public Comment:
Document History: Posted:
April 6, 2022.

Innovation Data from the 2019 Annual Business Survey

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Statistical Reports on U.S. Science 
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Public Comment:
Document History: Posted:
March 31, 2022.

Driven by Stimulus Funding, Federal R&D Obligations Increased 18% in 2020; Largest Year-to-Year Change since 1963

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Statistical Reports on U.S. Science 
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Document History: Posted:
March 24, 2022.

Baccalaureate Origins of U.S. Research Doctorate Recipients

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Statistical Reports on U.S. Science 
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Document History: Posted:
March 16, 2022.

Invention, Knowledge Transfer, and Innovation

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Statistical Reports on U.S. Science 
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Document History: Posted:
March 11, 2022.

Annual Business Survey: 2019 (Data Year 2018)

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Statistical Reports on U.S. Science 
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Document History: Posted:
March 4, 2022.

National Survey of College Graduates (NSCG WMPD): 2017

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Statistical Reports on U.S. Science 
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Document History: Posted:
March 3, 2022.

Sizable Growth in Federal Budget Authority for R&D Evident for the FYs 2017-21 Period; Further Increase Proposed for FY 2022

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Statistical Reports on U.S. Science 
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Public Comment:
Document History: Posted:
March 3, 2022.

National Survey of College Graduates: 2019

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Statistical Reports on U.S. Science 
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Document History: Posted:
February 25, 2022.

Higher Education in Science and Engineering

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Statistical Reports on U.S. Science 
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Public Comment:
Document History: Posted:
February 23, 2022.

National Patterns of R&D Resources: 2019-20 Data Update

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Statistical Reports on U.S. Science 
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Document History: Posted:
February 23, 2022.

One-Fourth of Federal Obligations for R&D Are Directed to Two States: California and Maryland

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Statistical Reports on U.S. Science 
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Public Comment:
Document History: Posted:
February 18, 2022.

Universities Report Growth in U.S. Citizen and Permanent Resident Enrollment along with Declines in Enrollment of Temporary Visa Holders at Master's and Doctoral Levels Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic

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Statistical Reports on U.S. Science 
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Document History: Posted:
January 21, 2022.

Federal R&D Funding, by Budget Function: Fiscal Years 2020-22

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Statistical Reports on U.S. Science 
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Document History: Posted:
January 18, 2022.

Higher Education Research and Development: Fiscal Year 2020

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Statistical Reports on U.S. Science 
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Public Comment:
Document History: Posted:
December 27, 2021.

Higher Education R&D Increase of 3.3% in FY 2020 Is the Lowest since FY 2015

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Statistical Reports on U.S. Science 
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Public Comment:
Document History: Posted:
December 27, 2021.

New Data on U.S. R&D: Summary Statistics from the 2019-20 Edition of National Patterns of R&D Resources

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Statistical Reports on U.S. Science 
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Document History: Posted:
December 27, 2021.

State Agencies' R&D Increased 1% in FY 2020; Health-Related R&D Declined for the Second Year in a Row

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Statistical Reports on U.S. Science 
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Document History: Posted:
December 1, 2021.

Doctorate Recipients from U.S. Universities: 2020

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Statistical Reports on U.S. Science 
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Public Comment:
Document History: Posted:
November 30, 2021.

Microbusinesses Performed $4.5 Billion of R&D in the United States in 2018

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Statistical Reports on U.S. Science 
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Public Comment:
Document History: Posted:
November 30, 2021.

Businesses Reported an 11.8% Increase to Nearly a Half Trillion Dollars for U.S. R&D Performance During 2019

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Statistical Reports on U.S. Science 
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Public Comment:
Document History: Posted:
November 19, 2021.

Survey of State Government Research and Development: FY 2020

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Statistical Reports on U.S. Science 
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Document History: Posted:
November 10, 2021.

Publications Output: U.S. Trends and International Comparisons

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Statistical Reports on U.S. Science 
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Public Comment:
Document History: Posted:
October 28, 2021.

Federal Obligations for R&D to Private Nonprofit Institutions Totaled $8.3 Billion in FY 2019

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Statistical Reports on U.S. Science 
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Public Comment:
Document History: Posted:
October 28, 2021.

Nondisclosure Agreements, Trade Secrets, and Trademarks Considered Very Important to More U.S. Businesses than Were Patents or Copyrights in 2017

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Statistical Reports on U.S. Science 
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Public Comment:
Document History: Posted:
October 15, 2021.

Federally Funded R&D Centers Report 3% Increase in R&D Spending in FY 2020

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Statistical Reports on U.S. Science 
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Public Comment:
Document History: Posted:
October 12, 2021.

FFRDC Research and Development Expenditures: Fiscal Year 2020

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Statistical Reports on U.S. Science 
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Public Comment:
Document History: Posted:
October 12, 2021.

Most Foreign-Born S&E Doctorate Recipients Who Stay in the United States after Graduation Work in S&E Occupations

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Statistical Reports on U.S. Science 
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Public Comment:
Document History: Posted:
October 12, 2021.

Three-Quarters of U.S. Businesses that Performed or Funded R&D Viewed Trade Secrets as Important in 2018

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Statistical Reports on U.S. Science 
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Public Comment:
Document History: Posted:
September 2, 2021.

Where Are They Now? Most Early Career U.S.-Trained S&E Doctorate Recipients with Temporary Visas at Graduation Stay and Work in the United States after Graduation

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Statistical Reports on U.S. Science 
Document Number:
Public Comment:
Document History: Posted:
August 20, 2021.
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