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Social/Behavioral Sciences
1. Dear Colleague Letter: Availability of Earth Observation Data for NSF-Funded Researchers
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf23092 | PDF of Document number nsf23092
Document Number: nsf23092 
Public Comment:
Document History: Posted:  April 26, 2023. 
6. Dear Colleague Letter: Clean Energy Technology RAISE or EAGER Proposals
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf23109 | PDF of Document number nsf23109
Document Number: nsf23109 
Public Comment:
Document History: Posted:  May 17, 2023. 
7. Dear Colleague Letter: CO2 Removal and Solar Radiation Modification Strategies: Science, Governance and Consequences
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf23151 | PDF of Document number nsf23151
Document Number: nsf23151 
Public Comment:
Document History: Posted:  September 12, 2023. 
8. Dear Colleague Letter: Conference Proposals on Clean Energy Topics
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf23108 | PDF of Document number nsf23108
Document Number: nsf23108 
Public Comment:
Document History: Posted:  May 16, 2023. 
10. Dear Colleague Letter: Disrupting Operations of Illicit Supply Networks
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf19049 | PDF of Document number nsf19049
Document Number: nsf19049 
Document History: Posted:  March 7, 2019.  Replaces: nsf18059.
11. Dear Colleague Letter: Emerging Mathematical Tools applied to Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Disease
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf24067 | PDF of Document number nsf24067
Document Number: nsf24067 
Public Comment:
Document History: Posted:  March 15, 2024. 
12. Dear Colleague Letter: Enabling Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) CISE-SBE Interdisciplinary Collaborations
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf21122 | PDF of Document number nsf21122
Document Number: nsf21122 
Public Comment:
Document History: Posted:  September 27, 2021.  Replaces: nsf18109.
15. Dear Colleague Letter: Funding Opportunities for Science and Engineering Research with Impact on Women's Health
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf24068 | PDF of Document number nsf24068
Document Number: nsf24068 
Public Comment:
Document History: Posted:  March 18, 2024. 
20. Dear Colleague Letter: Innovative Use of Scientific Collections (IUSC)
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf24069 | PDF of Document number nsf24069
Document Number: nsf24069 
Public Comment:
Document History: Posted:  March 18, 2024. 
21. Dear Colleague Letter: Inviting Proposals Related to Information Integrity to the Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace Program
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf22050 | PDF of Document number nsf22050
Document Number: nsf22050 
Public Comment:
Document History: Posted:  February 24, 2022. 
24. Dear Colleague Letter: Leveraging Cyberinfrastructure for Research Data Management (RDM)
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf24085 | PDF of Document number nsf24085
Document Number: nsf24085 
Public Comment:
Document History: Posted:  May 1, 2024. 
25. Dear Colleague Letter: Mathematical Modeling of Policy Options for Evolving Public Health Challenges (MPOPHC)
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf24088 | PDF of Document number nsf24088
Document Number: nsf24088 
Public Comment:
Document History: Posted:  May 8, 2024. 
27. Dear Colleague Letter: Nordic-U.S. Research Collaboration on Sustainable Development of the Arctic
Available Formats:  HTML of Document number nsf24070 | PDF of Document number nsf24070
Document Number: nsf24070 
Public Comment:
Document History: Posted:  March 19, 2024. 

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