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Cooperative Activities in Chemistry Between U.S. and German Investigators (NSF-DFG)

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NSF    National Science Foundation
DFG    Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

Dear Colleague:

The National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG; German Research Foundation), which are counterpart national funding organizations in the U.S. and Germany, respectively, seek to enhance opportunities for collaborative activities in chemistry between U.S. and German investigators. The NSF and DFG will accept collaborative research proposals that establish new partnerships between principal investigators from the U.S. and Germany who work in academic institutions. Projects must have clear relevance to areas supported by both NSF and DFG Divisions of Chemistry. PIs interested in applying are urged to contact their program officers (contact information in the URLs below) in order to determine suitability of their projects for this activity. There are no new funds available for support of these projects. They will compete with unsolicited proposals received by the NSF and DFG Divisions of Chemistry. The NSF and DFG will utilize a common set of reviewers and make joint funding decisions. The use of cyberinfrastructure is strongly encouraged.

For details regarding “Cooperative Activities in Chemistry Between U.S. and German Investigators (NSF-DFG),” please see:

For U.S. proposers:

For German proposers:


Arthur B. Ellis
Director, Division of Chemistry, NSF
Karlheinz Schmidt
Director, Division of Chemistry and Process Engineering, DFG