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Front Cover,
About the Journal,
Front Cover Credit,
Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee, and
(PDF, 99kb)
The Role of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in the Arctic Region
(PDF, 99kb)
NOAA's Arctic Ocean Exploration Program
(PDF, 779kb)
Arctic Sea Ice and Ocean Observations
(PDF, 712kb)
Correlated Declines in Pacific Arctic Snow and Sea Ice Cover
(PDF, 718kb)
Acidifying Pollutants, Arctic Haze, and Acidification in the Arctic
(PDF, 691kb)
The Barrow Atmospheric Baseline Observatory
(PDF, 761kb)
NOAA and the Alaska Ocean Observing System
(PDF, 926kb)
Marine Mammals in the Bering/Chukchi Sea
(PDF, 338kb)
Ocean Climate Changes and the Steller Sea Lion Decline
(PDF, 575kb)
Status of Alaska Groundfish Stocks
(PDF, 195kb)
Status of Alaska's Salmon Fisheries
(PDF, 516kb)
Russian-American Long-term Census of the Arctic
(PDF, 466kb)
On the Creation of Environmental Data Sets for the Arctic Region
(PDF, 973kb)
Illustration Credits,
Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee Staff,
Back Cover
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