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Science and Engineering Doctorates

International students who intend to stay in the United States: What are the overall trends?

Stay rates by characteristics


In each field of study, female temporary visa holder doctorate recipients are more likely than their male counterparts to indicate that they intend to stay in the United States after being awarded a doctorate. The magnitude of the female-male difference in stay rates is greatest (8 percentage points or more) in fields where the stay rates are lowest: psychology and social sciences, education, and humanities and arts. The stay rates for all S&E fields except for psychology and social sciences exceed 75% for both men and women (figure D).

Stay rates of temporary visa holder U.S. doctorate recipients, by sex and broad field of study: 2011–15

Chart of Stay rates of temporary visa holder U.S. doctorate recipients, by sex and broad field of study: 2011–15
Field All doctorate recipients Male Female
All fields 73.2 73.8 72.1
Life sciences 76.6 76.5 76.8
Physical sciences and earth sciences 78.0 77.4 79.5
Mathematics and computer sciences 79.8 79.5 80.7
Psychology and social sciences 52.5 48.6 56.9
Engineering 80.9 80.4 82.6
Education 50.9 43.8 54.4
Humanities and arts 52.5 48.5 56.5
Other non-S&E fields 62.4 61.4 63.7
Table of Stay rates of temporary visa holder U.S. doctorate recipients, by sex and broad field of study: 2011–15