Characteristics of Scientists and Engineers with U.S. Doctorates
This series examines trends in U.S. employment and related labor information for persons holding doctoral degrees in science and engineering. Information is available on demographic and employment characteristics of the nation's doctoral scientists and engineers.
Most recent data year
- U.S. Residing Doctoral Scientists and Engineers Report Modest Professional Impacts from the Coronavirus Pandemic: Findings from the 2021 Survey of Doctorate Recipients
InfoBriefs | NSF 23-318 | January 27, 2023 - Labor Force Transitions of U.S.-Trained Doctoral Scientists and Engineers: Findings from a New Longitudinal Panel
InfoBriefs | NSF 22-327 | June 1, 2022 - Where Are They Now? Most Early Career U.S.-Trained S&E Doctorate Recipients with Temporary Visas at Graduation Stay and Work in the United States after Graduation
InfoBriefs | NSF 21-336 | August 19, 2021 - Number of Women with U.S. Doctorates in Science, Engineering, or Health Employed in the United States More Than Doubles since 1997(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 19-307 | February 12, 2019 - The 2015 Survey of Doctorate Recipients Expands Its Population Coverage and Reporting on Field of Study(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 17-319 | June 28, 2017 - Unemployment among Doctoral Scientists and Engineers Remained Below the National Average in 2013(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 14-317 | September 11, 2014 - Employment Decisions of U.S. and Foreign Doctoral Graduates: A Comparative Study(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 15-302 | December 4, 2014 - Unemployment among Doctoral Scientists and Engineers Increased but Remained Below the National Average(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 14-310 | April 17, 2014 - Characteristics of Doctoral Scientists and Engineers in the United States: 2008(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 13-302 | December 20, 2012 - International Mobility and Employment Characteristics among Recent Recipients of U.S. Doctorates(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 13-300 | October 17, 2012 - Racial and Ethnic Diversity among U.S.-Educated Science, Engineering, and Health Doctorate Recipients: Methods of Reporting Diversity(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 12-304 | January 9, 2012 - Unemployment Among Doctoral Scientists and Engineers Remained Below the National Average in 2008(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 11-308 | January 27, 2011 - Characteristics of Doctoral Scientists and Engineers in the United States: 2006(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 09-317 | August 4, 2009 (Revised: March 9, 2011) - Postdoc Participation of Science, Engineering, and Health Doctorate Recipients(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 08-307 | March 27, 2008 - The End of Mandatory Retirement for Doctoral Scientists and Engineers in Postsecondary Institutions: Retirement Patterns 10 Years Later(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 11-302 | December 23, 2010 - Characteristics of Doctoral Scientists and Engineers in the United States: 2003(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 06-320 | May 25, 2006 (Revised: March 9, 2011) - All In a Week's Work: Workweeks of Doctoral Scientists and Engineers(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 06-302 | December 9, 2005 - Characteristics of Doctoral Scientists and Engineers in the US: 2001(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 03-310 | March 12, 2003 - Characteristics of Doctoral Scientists and Engineers in the US: 1999(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 02-328 | August 29, 2002 - Older Doctoral Scientists and Engineers: Selected Labor Force Characteristics(A)
Special Reports | NSF 02-324 | August 1, 2002 - Characteristics of Science & Engineering Doctorate Recipients: Selected Trend Tables 1993, 1995, and 1997(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | SRS 00-412 | October 27, 2000 - Characteristics of Doctoral Scientists and Engineers in the US: 1997(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 00-308 | January 21, 2000 - Healthy Economy Yields Even Lower Unemployment Rate for Doctoral Scientists and Engineers(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 99-340 | April 15, 1999 - Characteristics of Doctoral Scientists and Engineers in the US: 1995(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 97-319 | November 4, 1997 - Number of Doctoral Scientists and Engineers Grows by 6 percent between 1993 and 1995(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 97-305 | March 13, 1997 - Characteristics of Doctoral Scientists and Engineers in the US: 1993(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 96-302 | May 1, 1996 - For 1993, Doctoral Scientists & Engineers Report 1.6 Percent Unemployment Rate But 4.3 Percent Underemployment(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 95-307 | May 25, 1995
Last Updated: June 05, 2013