Federal S&E Support to Universities, Colleges, and NPOs
This series provides data and analyses on Federal science and engineering support to universities, colleges, and nonprofit institutions.
Most recent data year
- FY 2022 Federal Science and Engineering Support to Selected Types of Minority-Serving Institutions
InfoBriefs | NSF 24-331 | July 22, 2024 New - Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions: Fiscal Year 2022
Data Tables | NSF 24-326 | June 10, 2024 - Federal Science and Engineering Support for Academic Institutions Increased 3% in FY 2022; Support to HBCUs Increased 19%
InfoBriefs | NSF 24-325 | June 10, 2024 - Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions: Fiscal Year 2021
Data Tables | NSF 24-311 | January 29, 2024 - Federal Science and Engineering Support to Higher Education Increased 10% in FY 2021
InfoBriefs | NSF 24-316 | January 29, 2024 - Federal Obligations for R&D and R&D Plant to Nonprofit Organizations, by Selected Agencies: FY 2020
Other | NSF 23-330 | April 17, 2023 - Per-Student Federal Obligations for R&D and Fellowship, Training, and Traineeship Grants at HBCUs and Other Minority-Serving Institutions
Other | NSF 23-325 | February 8, 2023 - Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions: Fiscal Year 2020
Data Tables | NSF 22-342 | September 20, 2022 - Federal Science and Engineering Support to Higher Education Increased 3% in FY 2020
InfoBriefs | NSF 22-341 | September 20, 2022 - Federal Obligations for R&D to Private Nonprofit Institutions Totaled $8.3 Billion in FY 2019
InfoBriefs | NSF 22-301 | October 28, 2021 - Growth in Federal S&E Support to HBCUs Continues to Lag Behind Increases to All Institutions in FY 2019
InfoBriefs | NSF 21-332 | July 15, 2021 - Survey of Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions: Fiscal Year 2019
Data Tables | NSF 21-333 | July 15, 2021 - Federal Obligations for S&E Support to HBCUs in FY 2018 Increase 3.8% from Previous Year
InfoBriefs | NSF 20-314 | May 29, 2020 - Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions: Fiscal Year 2018
Data Tables | April 28, 2020 - Federal Science and Engineering Obligations to Academic Institutions Increase 2%; Support to HBCUs Declines 17%
InfoBriefs | NSF 19-314 | March 19, 2019 - Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions: Fiscal Year 2017
Data Tables | March 19, 2019 - Federal Science and Engineering Obligations to Academic Institutions Reach $31.6 Billion in FY 2016; Support to HBCUs Declines for the Second Year in a Row
InfoBriefs | NSF 18-310 | July 30, 2018 - Federal Support for Science and Engineering to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions: Fiscal Year 2015
Data Tables | August 24, 2017 - Federal Science and Engineering Obligations to Universities and Colleges Declined 2% in FY 2015
InfoBriefs | NSF 17-318 | July 7, 2017 - Federal Science and Engineering Obligations to Universities and Colleges Increase by 6% in FY 2014(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 16-312 | May 19, 2016 - Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions: FY 2013(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 15-327 | July 9, 2015 - Federal Science and Engineering Obligations to Universities and Colleges Drop by 6% in FY 2013(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 15-325 | June 30, 2015 - Federal FY 2012 S&E Obligations to Academic and Nonprofit Institutions: Focus on Minority-Serving Institutions(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 15-309 | December 15, 2014 - Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions: FY 2012(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 15-305 | December 15, 2014 - Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions: FYs 2010 and 2011(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 15-301 | October 30, 2014 - Federal Science and Engineering Obligations to Universities and Colleges Drop by 11% in FY 2011(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 14-309 | March 25, 2014 - Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions: FY 2009(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 13-303 | December 18, 2012 - ARRA Provided $5.9 Billion in Federal Science and Engineering Obligations to Universities and Colleges in FY 2009(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 12-320 | June 15, 2012 - Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions: Fiscal Year 2008(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 12-316 | May 21, 2012 - Federal Obligations for Science and Engineering to Universities and Colleges Show Little Growth(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 12-306 | February 2, 2012 - Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions: FY 2007(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 12-301 | January 24, 2012 - Federal S&E Obligations to Three Types of Minority-Serving Institutions Decline in FY 2007(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 09-319 | September 8, 2009 - Federal R&D Obligations to Universities and Colleges Totaled $25 Billion in FY 2007(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 09-313 | March 27, 2009 (Revised: September 4, 2009) - Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions: FY 2006(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 12-302 | January 24, 2012 - Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions: FY 2006(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 09-310 | March 27, 2009 - Federal S&E Obligations to Academic Institutions Reach New Highs in FY 2006 but Fail to Keep Up with Inflation(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 08-316 | October 7, 2008 - Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions: FY 2005(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 12-312 | May 8, 2012 - FY 2005 Federal S&E Obligations Reach Over 2,400 Academic and Nonprofit Institutions; Data Presented on Minority-Serving Institutions(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 07-326 | November 14, 2007 - Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions: FY 2005(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 07-333 | October 15, 2007 - Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions: FY 2004(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 07-316 | March 22, 2007 - Federal Academic Science and Engineering Obligations Rose by 2.5% in FY 2004(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 07-300 | November 1, 2006 - Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and NPOs: Fiscal Year 2003(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 06-309 | June 13, 2006 - Federal S&E Obligations to Academic and Nonprofit Institutions Reached Record Highs in FY 2003(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 05-321 | September 2, 2005 - Federal S&E Support to Universities, Colleges, and NPOs: 2002(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 05-309 | March 17, 2005 - Federal S&E Obligations to Academic and NPOs Reach Record Highs in FY 2002(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 04-324 | June 9, 2004 - Federal S&E Support to Universities, Colleges, and NPOs: FY 2001(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 03-326 | August 21, 2003 - Federal Academic S&E Obligations Increased 13 Percent in FY 2001: Record Highs Reported in Five of Six Funding Categories(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 03-317 | April 14, 2003 - Changes in Federal Support for Academic S&E and R&D Activities Since the 1970s(A)
Special Reports | NSF 04-304 | February 5, 2004 - Federal S&E Support to Universities, Colleges, and NPOs: FY 2000(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 02-319 | April 23, 2002 - Federal Academic S&E Obligations Increased 10 Percent in FY 2000(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 02-310 | February 28, 2002 - Federal S&E Support to Universities, Colleges, and NPOs: FY 1999(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 01-323 | April 30, 2001 - Federal Academic S&E Obligations Increased More Than 12 Percent Between FY 1998 and FY 1999(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 01-321 | March 22, 2001 - Federal S&E Support to Universities, Colleges, and NPOs: FY 1998(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 00-315 | May 2, 2000 - Federal Academic S&E Obligations Up More Than 6 Percent in FY 1998(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 00-312 | March 1, 2000 - Federal S&E Support to Universities, Colleges, and NPOs: FY 1997(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 99-331 | March 23, 1999 - Federal Academic Obligations for S&E Activities Increased More than 4 Percent in FY 1997(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 99-326 | February 12, 1999 - Federal S&E Support to Universities, Colleges, and NPOs: FY 1996(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 98-331 | October 27, 1998 - Federal Academic S&E Obligations Decreased Slightly in FY 1996(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 98-308 | April 27, 1998 - Federal S&E Support to Universities, Colleges, and NPOs: FY 1995(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 97-330 | March 4, 1998 - Federal Agencies' Academic S&E Obligations Continued to Climb in FY 1995(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 97-307 | May 30, 1997 - Academic S&E Support from Federal Agencies Rose by 8 Percent in FY 1994(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 96-305 | June 18, 1996 - Federal S&E Support to Universities, Colleges, and NPOs: FY 1994(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 96-317 | January 1, 1996 - Federal Academic S&E Obligations Showed Slight Decrease in FY 1993(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 95-314 | December 4, 1995 - Federal Support to Universities, Colleges, and NPOs: FY 1993(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 95-331 | January 1, 1995 - Federal Academic S&E Obligations Increased by 8 Percent in FY 1992(A)
InfoBriefs | NSF 94-308 | June 1, 1994 - Federal Support to Universities, Colleges, and NPOs: FY 1992(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 94-329 | April 1, 1994 - Selected Data on Federal Support to Universities and Colleges: FY 1992(A)
Detailed Statistical Tables | NSF 94-312 | January 1, 1994
Last Updated: June 05, 2013