Grant and Cooperative Agreement-Related Policy and Systems Issues Following the Resumption of Operations at the National Science Foundation

The National Science Foundation (NSF) is emerging from a 35-day funding lapse in appropriations and shutdown of the agency. This page provides guidance for the NSF proposer and awardee community regarding the initial resumption of operations. This page will continue to be updated as more information becomes available. Questions regarding the guidance provided below, as well as other post-shutdown questions, should be directed to the Policy Office in the Division of Institution & Award Support at


Updated January 31, 2019

This document addresses grant and cooperative agreement policy and systems issues that may arise during the initial resumption of operations at the National Science Foundation during the three-week Continuing Resolution (CR).

Unfortunately, the recent lapse in appropriations (lapse) resulted in missed panels, a backlog of proposal actions, and delays that may result in the cancelation of related activities and certain programs. It is fully recognized that it will take time to work through this extensive backlog of activities. The Foundation is establishing processes that will enable us to focus on a specific set of high-priority areas, particularly in light of the three-week CR.

Proposers, awardees and reviewers who have questions are encouraged to await communications from NSF, at least initially, as we resume operations. We appreciate your patience.


Updated February 14, 2019

  • The issuance of new funding opportunities (program descriptions, announcements or solicitations) and Dear Colleague Letters (DCLs) will resume in the coming days.
  • The NSF FastLane system, and were available for proposal preparation and submission during the lapse.
  • The implementation date for the revised NSF Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 19-1) is February 25, 2019.

Updated 1/31/19 Impact on Existing Due Dates

Guidance to the proposer and awardee community was updated on January 25, 2019, to specify that NSF will be extending the deadline date for the solicitations or Dear Colleague Letters (DCLs) listed in the table below. The table has now been updated to include any additional affected solicitations and DCLs, along with the revised deadlines. Deadlines for published program descriptions, announcements, solicitations and DCLs that do not appear on the list below remain unchanged.

Pub ID Title Original Deadline Submission Type New Deadline Date*
19-500 Joint DMS/NLM Initiative on Generalizable Data Science Methods for Biomedical Research (DMS/NLM) 16-Jan-19 Full proposals 14-Feb-19
19-543 Harnessing the Data Revolution (HDR): Institutes for Data-Intensive Research in Science and Engineering - Ideas Labs (I-DIRSE-IL) 28-Jan-19 Preliminary proposals 4-Mar-19
19-018 Dear Colleague Letter: EArly-concept Grants for Exploratory Research on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Society - Supported Jointly with the Partnership on AI 28-Jan-19 EArly-Concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGERs) 28-Feb-19
19-030 Dear Colleague Letter: Leadership-Class Computing Allocations 1-Feb-19 Supplemental funding requests 14-Feb-19
19-518 Harnessing the Data Revolution (HDR): Data Science Corps (DSC) 4-Feb-19 Full proposals 14-Feb-19
19-526 Materials Innovation Program 4-Feb-19 Full proposals 26-Apr-19
19-524 Training-based Workforce Development for Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (CyberTraining) 6-Feb-19 Full proposals 14-Feb-19
19-530 Ideas Lab: Cross-cutting Initiative in CubeSat Innovations 8-Feb-19 Preliminary proposals 12-Feb-19
19-523 EarthCube Office 11-Feb-19 Full proposals 28-Feb-19
19-511 Navigating the New Arctic (NNA) 14-Feb-19 Full proposals 4-Mar-19
19-509 NSF/CASIS Collaboration on Tissue Engineering and Mechanobiology on the International Space Station (ISS) to Benefit Life on Earth 15-Feb-19 Full proposals 4-Mar-19
19-531 Frontier Research in Earth Sciences (FRES) 20-Feb-19 Full proposals 21-Feb-19
19-532 Enabling Quantum Leap: Quantum Idea Incubator for Transformational Advances in Quantum Systems (QII - TAQS) 21-Feb-19 Preliminary proposals 22-Feb-19

* NSF will be modifying each solicitation or DCL to reflect the new deadline date.

Proposal Review Process

Decisions about panels that were canceled due to the lapse will be at the discretion of individual divisions/offices. Panelists on canceled or to-be-rescheduled panels will be contacted by the cognizant NSF Program Officer with a status update; please await guidance from the cognizant NSF Program Officer.

Proposal Processing Time

In many cases, the Foundation will not be able to meet our customer-service standard of informing applicants/proposers about funding decisions for their proposals within six months of the deadline or target date, or receipt date, whichever is later. We will, however, work to make decisions as quickly as practicable.

Issuance of New Grants and Cooperative Agreements

Grants or cooperative agreements impacted by the lapse will be awarded as early as practicable.

UPDATED 2/14/2019 The implementation date for the revised set of NSF Grant Conditions is February 25, 2019.

Issuance of Continuing Grant Increments (CGIs)

Priority will be given to processing of CGIs that could not be processed during the lapse.


Performance of Work

During the lapse, awardees were authorized to continue performance under their NSF awards to the extent that funds were available, and the term of the grant or cooperative agreement had not expired. During the lapse, as always, any expenses incurred were required to be necessary for performance of the work and allowable in accordance with 2 CFR § 200, Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards.


Payments and the ability of awardees to draw down funds under grants and cooperative agreements via the Awardee Cash Management $ystem (ACM$) were reinstated on January 28, 2019.

Project Reporting was available during the lapse for submission of required Annual, Final and Project Outcomes Reports. All reports submitted during the lapse will be reviewed and acted upon by NSF as early as practicable, with priority being given to awards with a contingent CGI due to be awarded.

No-Cost Extensions and Other Post Award Transactions

NSF electronic systems were available for use by the awardee community to submit no-cost extension, award transfer, supplemental funding request and other post award notifications and requests via NSF electronic systems. All requests submitted during the lapse will be processed by NSF as early as practicable.