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News Release 12-078

Scientists Find Night-Warming Effect Over Large Wind Farms in Texas

Wind turbines interact with atmospheric boundary layer near the surface

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Photo of a wind farm in Texas.

Wind farms are numerous in parts of Texas; scientists report new results on their effects.

Credit: U.S. Department of Energy

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Graph showing night-time land surface temperature differences near wind farms.

Night-time land surface temperature differences near wind farms between 2010 and 2013.

Credit: Liming Zhou et al., Nature Climate Change

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Map of Texas showing wind farm locations as of the year 2010.

Locations of clusters of Texas wind farms, as of the year 2010.

Credit: State of Texas

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Photo showing a wind-farm on the horizon in Lubbock County, Texas.

Wind farms dot the horizon in Lubbock County and other Texas areas.

Credit: Lubbock County, Texas

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Photo of a Texas wind ranch.

A new kind of Texas ranch--a wind ranch.

Credit: Wikimedia Commons

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Photo of a wind farm in the background and cacti in the foreground.

A Texas wind farm shares space with cacti and other desert-dwellers.

Credit: Wikimedia Commons

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