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News Release 16-048
Outwitting poachers with artificial intelligence
NSF-funded researchers apply computer science and game theory to protect Earth's endangered animals and forests
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A group of patrollers follows routes suggested by PAWS (Protection Assistant for Wildlife Security) in a protected area in Malaysia.
Credit: The photo is taken by a team leader from Rimba.
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Researchers from the University of Southern California and the Nanyang Technological University collect information for the design of PAWS in a protected area for a trial patrol.
Credit: Rob Pickles, Panthera
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A heat map of forests in Madagascar shows different types of security risk.
Different types of security have different costs and different benefits, and often work together to prevent illegal logging. Some types of security resources -- like professional police -- lead to higher rates of arrests but come with higher salaries. Some, like volunteers, are better for deterrence and require less financial resources. Likewise long patrols or short patrols, or the use of trucks or drones, have different costs and benefits.
Credit: Meredith Gore
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AI may help reduce logging of illegal rosewood stockpiles in Antalaha, Madagascar.
Credit: Anonymous
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